HADRON Axiom Read online

Page 9

  Mace asked, “Have you been eating them?”

  “I had one. Got real paranoid afterward.”

  Mace walked over to the closest crate. “You think they have something in them?”

  “Couldn’t say. I had eight or ten out of the first batch we had. Didn’t have any complaints. Not sure why I had that reaction and I’m not sure it was related to eating those. Might just be a stress reaction related to all this.”

  Mace picked up a bar and sniffed it. “Smells just like the others. And Tres and Vanessa, other than being combative just now, seem to be in their own little euphoric world.”

  Jeff walked over to the crate. “You know, if there is some type of drug in there, different people might have different reactions. Take something as simple as marijuana. Some people get all mellow, others get paranoid.”

  “You think they laced this batch with marijuana?”

  “Or something similar.”

  “One way to find out.”

  “I’m not eating another one of those bars, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”

  “No, although that might be conclusive as well. I was just going to see if you could run any type of experiments on them.”

  “I like that suggestion a lot better.”

  “Do we have any of the old stockpile left?”

  Jeff stepped around to the back of the crates. “We have a couple boxes left. The people in town said the Mawga asked that the old be thrown out. This new batch was supposedly made from nothing but Earth ingredients.”

  “I’m thinking we might conduct a little Human experiment while we’re at it.”

  “What are you proposing?”

  “We’ll need Jane���s help, but I think we should feed the old bars to Tres, while Vanessa keeps getting the new ones. Or the other way around, just so we have a few Human data points to go with anything you come up with.”

  Jeff winced. “Can’t say I’m eager to make test subjects of our friends.”

  “Look at it this way: if there is something harmful in there, we’ve already helped one of them. If not, then no foul.”

  Jeff thought for a moment. “I guess that’s a reasonable argument. You know, it could be something as simple as the Mawga using something like marijuana in the makeup of those bars without realizing their mistake.”

  “I have a hard time buying that with them having observed us for several years. They have to know what that is and what it does or can do. No, if there’s anything in there, it was purposefully done.”

  “You get Jane to be their supplier, and I’ll take notes of their behavior. And no one but the three of us can know about this. Not Johnny and not Jasper.”

  “I’ll get Jane to eat a few of the old bars along with them. We’ll see if they try to strike up an unusual link with her.”

  Jeff moved over to the still. “I’ll see about running a few basic tests once I’m done here.”

  Mace walked out to the porch where Johnny, Jane, and Jasper were sitting.

  Johnny laughed. “I still can’t believe you got shot down.”

  Mace said, “Let’s take a walk.”

  Mace removed Johnny’s wrist comm, laying it out on the porch. As the two walked to the field at the back of the property, Mace pulled Johnny to a stop.

  “I think we have trouble brewing with the Mawga.”

  “I knew it! What kind of trouble?”

  Mace looked up at the blue sky overhead. “Possible war trouble. And that wrist device, I think they’re probably tracking us and listening to our conversations. I have word from sources who tell me the Russians, Chinese, and even the Iranians, are not faring well under the Mawga.”

  “They would be the ones to fight without first asking questions.”

  “They were… or are. And word has it they’re losing badly. The colonel we interacted with in Cincinnati, he set up a fairly large no-fly zone around the city. I don’t think the Mawga are going to honor that. I’ve helped Bontu with his attempts to spread the food and power, but I’m wondering if that was a bad choice.”

  “How so? What else have you heard?”

  “Nothing specific, but I’m starting to come around to your way of thinking. Their arrival was all too convenient. They come in when nearly three quarters of our population has died off and those who remain are completely disorganized. The timing couldn’t have been better for them.

  “And the reaction we just got from Tres and Vanessa. That was out of character. I think whatever we do, we shouldn’t be eating any of those new nutrient bars.”

  Johnny winced. “Laced with something?”

  Mace crossed his arms. “We don’t know. Just don’t eat them if you have a choice.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me. I haven’t trusted those from the start.”

  Mace held out a phone. “There’s something else. I want you and Jane to join me as eyes and ears for our military.”

  Johnny offered a confused look. “Eyes and ears?”

  Mace nodded. “This phone has an app that’s tied to this emitter diode and receiver. The diode sends out a focused beam. The colonel in Cincinnati will be setting up a receiver for you to contact. You’ll get a short text instruction if they want to see or hear about something. You then beam the results back to the receiver they set up for you. I’ll be doing the same with Bontu, if he’ll have me back on his ship.”

  Johnny laughed. “Wait, now we’re spies? And this all happened in the last couple days?”

  “The colonel needs information. And we’re going to give him what we can. If it turns out the Mawga are indeed harmless, our efforts won’t make any difference. If they’re here for another purpose, the intel we gather could be crucial, not only to our defense, but to our survival.”

  Johnny glanced up at the skies. “Those black eyes spooked me the first time I saw them. You can count me in. Just let me know what to do when and where, and I’ll be your man.”

  Johnny turned, aiming the phone as if it was a handgun. “Agent jackass-one… at the ready.”

  Mace shook his head. “Maybe I should have taken this right to Jane first.”

  “You don’t trust her?”

  “It’s not that. Given her repeated defensive statements about them, I’d rather ease her into it.”

  Johnny took a deep breath. “I think I can safely say she would be fully on board with this. She’s a pragmatist, and likes to look at most issues from both sides, but don’t mistake that for any lack of patriotism. She loves this country, and if called on, she’ll do her best to fight for it.”

  With the recruitment walk ended, the two made their way back to the porch. A man was standing in front of Jane and Jasper. She was holding a gun on him. The two ran up to get a handle on the situation.

  “Jane? What’s going on?”

  Jane lowered her AR. “Charles, this is my husband Johnny. This is Charles Miller. Says he’s from Bedford and came up to talk to Mace.”

  Charles held out his hand. “Mr. Tretcher.”

  Johnny slowly shook it.

  Charles turned to Mace with his hand out. “And I would assume this is the gentleman I have come to see?”

  A firm handshake ensued. “Mace Hardy.”

  Charles gestured toward the drive. “Shall we take a walk, Mr. Hardy?”

  “I suppose we could.”

  Jasper shook his head. “What’s with all the walks today? You people planning to bump me off or something?”

  Johnny laughed. “No, those meetings are on Tuesdays.”

  Jasper returned his usual scowl.

  Mace walked with the visitor.

  “Mr. Hardy. I’ve just come from Bedford. I’ll be joining your little camp here for a few weeks, and I’d like you to facilitate that.”

  “I don’t see that as a problem. If this is about what I think it is, you’ll be needing a cover story.”

  Charles Miller nodded. “What needs do you have here at the cave or in this valley?”

  Mace thought for a m
oment. “We had a good co-op movement started. That all fell away when the Mawga arrived. I’d like to work on getting that started up again. You have anything like that around Bedford?”

  “We do. And, in fact, I think that’s an excellent suggestion. I could be here in an attempt to establish trade with your farmers and ranchers for their goods and services.”

  “Your accent. Sounds British.”

  “Western suburbs of London. I was on assignment in D.C. with a defense contractor when this all came down. I followed a co-worker to Bedford in the aftermath. Have been there ever since. Call me a new American patriot if you will. This was chosen as the ground to first set up a resistance. I’m sure Colonel Lafayette filled you in?”

  “I thought this might be related to that. Tell me, Mr. Miller, what makes you qualified for this work? This is spy work we’re talking about, right?”

  “Let’s just say I have experience in the field of intelligence gathering and leave it at that.”


  “Let’s just say that both of our former governments liked to keep the occasional eye on one another. In the defense field, companies can sometimes chase dollars that aren’t coming from the best of sources. My government, as well as yours, preferred to be informed. Nothing more sinister than that.”

  Mace patted Charles on the back. “Didn’t mean to imply anything with that. If you have that experience, it’s welcome here.”

  “Good. Now, I’ve been given this assignment for thirty days. During that time, I’ll attempt to impart to you the methods of intelligence-gathering that will help you to go undetected. Our goal here is for you to be a mole they don’t suspect. You will continue to be Mace Hardy, all around good liaison. If you questioned their actions before, continue to do so. If you thought prior actions by your hosts to be untoward, continue to offer those feelings. We want them to believe they have the same Mace Hardy they already knew.”

  Charles came to a stop. “Your contacts, other than me for the coming weeks, should be the same as they were before the Cincinnati venture. And if asked about what happened there, brush it off as unfortunate, but nothing major.”

  “If asked, I can say it looked like an overly aggressive colonel just trying to protect his town. Someone probably got trigger happy and the shuttle incidents occurred.”

  Charles smiled. “Excellent.”

  The discussion continued for another half hour before the two men returned to the gift shop.

  Mace was the first to speak. “Well, everyone, Charles here is from Bedford, and he’s looking to establish trade with our co-ops. I told him they had largely disbanded, but he would like to start with those who are left to see if we can get a sustainable and thriving trade network going. I think it’s a great idea. We don’t want to be totally reliant on the Mawga. What if they should decide to up and pull out? Where would that leave us?”

  Jane replied, “The Mawga have given us every assurance they will be here for as long as we want them to be.”

  Jeff joined the group on the porch. “Who’s the new guy?”

  Mace replied, “This is Charles Miller. He’ll be here to help us establish trade between our valley and the Bedford area.”

  Jeff smiled as he shook Charles’ hand. “Nice. Glad to hear someone’s thinking along those lines.”

  Jeff turned to Jane. “Mrs. Tretcher, I have some questions about our food stocks, if you’d care to walk with me to the cave?”

  “Sure. Lead the way.”

  Jasper scowled. “Another walk. It’s like an epidemic around here.”

  Johnny laughed. “Maybe if you weren’t so decrepit, you could join in.”

  Jasper feigned a horrified look. “You… you really hurt me with that one… not.”

  Mace waved them off. “Prepare yourself for a non-stop battle between those two. They’re in a constant duel to be the king of comedy over their private nation of two.”

  Jasper smiled. “I’m the king and he’s the duke… as in dookie. Ah-hehehe!”

  Mace said, “If you two seventh graders are done, I’d like to take Charles over to meet with some of the farmers. And, Johnny, I think you should go with us. I don’t want a brawl breaking out here on the porch while I’m gone.”

  Jasper scowled. “Oh sure, abandon the old man. I’ll just sit here by myself, rotting away in my final hours.”

  Johnny pointed to Jasper as he looked at Mace. “I’d kind of like to wait and see that, if possible?”

  Mace sighed. “OK, Jasper comes with us, too.”

  Mace made a trek into the cave to tell Jeff and Jane of the plans. Soon after, the fusion-powered Jeep was speeding down the road. Three hours were spent visiting various farmers and ranchers who still had viable crops and herds. The news of potential trading partners was welcomed.

  As each of the co-op members were met with, Mace quietly warned them of the potential dangers of the new batch of alien food. Each agreed to make every effort to avoid it.

  When the welcome tour had finished, a trip was made to Ronceverte. No longer were guards monitoring the bridge. The towns streets, usually bustling with the day’s activities, were largely quiet. The citizens were in their homes, snacking on the nutrient bars and enjoying their A/C.

  Chapter 10


  In the weeks that followed, Jane was brought into the fold. Mace, Johnny and Jane were given instruction on intelligence gathering. Jeff’s testing of the alien food revealed a drug of unknown origins. After being told about the nutrient bar experiments, Tres and Vanessa moved into Ronceverte to be with “like-minded” people. Jasper continued to be ornery old Jasper.

  As the dawn turned into full day, a shuttle sprinted over the treetops, landing in the usual spot. Bontu walked down the extended ramp of the ship as the others looked on from the comfort of the gift shop porch.

  Bontu approached as Mace stepped off the porch to meet him. “Mr. Hardy, I would like a word with you if I could?”

  Mace obliged as he shook the gray alien’s hand. “What can I help you with, Mr. Montak?”

  The alien fidgeted. “I’ve been asked by my superiors to bring you back as a liaison, if possible. Pockets of unrest remain, and I���they���believe you to be best suited to deal with them in a sound, rational, and friendly manner.”

  “You want me to go back up after getting shot down?”

  “I can assure you, Mr. Hardy, there will be no further incidents as such. We have taken the precautions needed to protect ourselves. I know I never had the chance to say this before, but I must apologize for what happened. Perhaps if we had waited the extra weeks to begin with, as you suggested, the unfortunate incident would not have occurred.”

  “And Cincinnati? The no-fly zone still in place?”

  “It is. And we’ve extended it out to fifty kilometers. Our ships no longer fly in the Cincinnati airspace.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  Mace looked over his shoulder at the others. “Would it be too much of an inconvenience if I discussed it with my friends? I know that’s an unusual request, but I’m a bit hesitant to go at the moment.”

  Bontu asked, “How long do you need?”

  Mace rubbed the black beard on his chin. “Could you come back this afternoon? I know this is a lot to ask, but as I said, after my last trip, I have some reservations.”

  Bontu bowed. “Think nothing of it, Mr. Hardy. I will be back after your lunchtime. And, Mr. Hardy���Mace���please keep in mind that your work will primarily be helping your people.”

  Mace smiled and nodded as Bontu turned away.

  As Mace stepped up onto the porch, Jasper said, “You’re not going for another joyride with that kook, are you?”

  Mace laughed. “I probably am. There’s something to be said for having knowledge about what’s going on elsewhere, don’t you think? And who knows, maybe I’ll be able to pick up a few leads on other co-ops for Mr. Miller.”

  Charles Miller nodded. “That would be apprec
iated, Mr. Hardy. I’ll be heading back to Bedford later today. You should expect another visit from me in another three weeks.”

  Mace reached out his hand. “Thank you again for everything, Mr. Miller. I’m certain the information you’ve provided us with will be put to good use. Open trade will help us all.”

  After lunch, the shuttle returned. An eager Montak was waiting at the ramp for a decision.

  Mace stopped short, placing his hands on his hips. “Bontu, if we’re going to do this, I have to insist on you providing me with one of those suits.”

  Bontu returned a curious look. “One of our suits? Whatever for? I would think that would make you appear to be one of us, which I don’t believe to be in the best interest of any negotiations. Your impartiality is key to you offering unbiased advice.”

  Mace crossed his arms. “Fine then. I take the suit off before we come down the ramp. But I want to wear it while we’re in the air. I got banged up pretty good that last go-round. My shoulder still smarts from it.”

  Bontu thought for a moment. “Mr. Hardy, your terms are acceptable. I will have our engineers outfit you with one of the suits. But I must insist you only wear it while on our ship or in a shuttle. You will not set foot on the ground with the suit on. Do we have an understanding?”

  Mace hesitated before offering a slight grin. “Does it come with a helmet? I must insist on a helmet.”

  “I believe we can accommodate that, Mr. Hardy. When would you be ready to leave?”

  Mace looked back at the porch and waved. “I’m ready right now. What do we have on the agenda?”

  Bontu turned and followed Mace up the ramp. “Our first mission is to Bedford. We wish to distribute the personal comm devices, which the commander there refuses to allow.”

  “Has he said why?”

  “He only stated that he was not interested at this time.”

  The shuttle lifted off and quickly docked with the larger ship.

  Mace followed Bontu onto the catwalk on the port side. “I’ll have a talk with him and see why he’s holding out. Maybe there’s an easy resolution to this. I would think communications would be desirable.”