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HADRON Chaos Page 8
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Page 8
Mace replied, “So you’re attempting to open another large wormhole as close to that one as you possibly can. And then study the effects?”
Jeff nodded. “Precisely. If we find interaction between the two, we hope it will lead us down further paths of study.”
A jump was made back to Divinia and a ship prepared.
Mace frowned as the gatrellium was loaded aboard. “I hope we aren’t wasting a precious resource. We could jump a couple hundred times with that store.”
Jeff replied, “Sometimes you have to break a few eggs, Mr. Hardy.”
The Rogers returned with the experimental ship. Sensor probes were positioned in and around the rift with the hopes of measuring some phenomenon that could be further studied, then the ship was detonated, generating a wormhole more than two kilometers wide.
As the wormhole faded, data streamed in from the sensors. Half an hour of data collecting showed no unusual activity. The hastily thrown together experiment was a bust.
Jeff stood with his fists on his hips. “I hoped to find something in that. It looks as though your fears of wasting a valued resource were right, Mr. Hardy.”
Johnny asked, “Was that as close as you could possibly get it? What about setting it off inside the rift as I suggested?”
Jeff shook his head. “We can’t form a wormhole with that close a proximity to another one. The initial tear in space-time will not form. I would love to see the interaction between two wormholes, but we have no way of forcing them together.”
Mace held up a hand. “Maybe we do. That new weapon… it’s essentially a moving wormhole, isn’t it? Could we fire it at the rift and take measurements?”
Gnaga stepped up. “An excellent suggestion, Mr. Hardy. And one we can attempt immediately.”
Jeff slowly nodded. “I have to agree. Mr. Mallot, if you could launch another handful of probes in and around that rift, we can fire that weapon and check for results.”
Gnaga began to rub his hands together nervously. “I’ve wanted to perform this experiment for some time, Mr. Hardy. Thank you for your bit of wisdom.”
Mace laughed. “Don’t thank me yet. The result may be the same as the last shot.”
Humphrey said, “The probes from the prior experiments remain in place. Would you like them tuned to look for anything specific?”
Jeff shook his head. “Full spectrum. We want everything.”
Mace turned to Hans Mueller. “Mr. Mueller, place a shot right in the middle of that rift.”
Seconds later, their two centimeter wormhole rapidly moved through the rift, causing a visual ripple that moved out from the center.
Jeff smiled. “I’d say we got a reaction.”
The data from the probes streamed in. “Here, Mr. Klept. Look at that. The wave is bending the light from those stars on the other side. This is fascinating.”
Jeff looked at Mace. “I would like to do this again. This time out to the side. I know we can’t see an edge if we move around it, but there is one there nonetheless. Mr. Mueller, target as close to the inner edge of the rift as you can.”
Hans replied, “Tell me when.”
Jeff waved his hand as he continued to look at the data. “When, Mr. Mueller.”
The button was pressed and the weapon fired. The result was different. Instead of a rippling wave moving out from the point of contact, a bright glow began to grow in intensity.
Johnny frowned at the wall display. “That doesn’t look good.”
Mace nodded. “Mr. Hobbs, please move us away. And do so quickly if you would.”
The Rogers shot backwards, coming to a stop beside the Organ Cave. The bright glow continued to grow before spreading around the entirety of the rift.
Jasper said, “I can’t say I like the looks of that.”
Gnaga pointed at one of the parameters showing beside the space-time distortion. “It’s getting smaller! The rift is shrinking!”
Jeff grinned. “Indeed it is!”
As quickly as the glow had started, it snuffed out.
Johnny said, “Anyone else think we need to hit it again?”
“I would say we have to,” said Jeff. “This was completely unexpected.”
Mace added, “If hitting it once was good, would twice be better? Maybe once on each side?”
Gnaga said, “Perhaps it would be best if we wait a bit.”
Mace asked, “Are we seeing anything that looks unstable?”
Jeff pulled up several data sheets on his arm pad display. “I don’t see anything that looks different than before. Mr. Hardy, it’s your call.”
Malcom Stark had been listening. “I would emphasize caution. And patience. The Karthians are not a threat at the moment. Perhaps we wait as Gnaga suggests.”
Jasper said, “Forget that. You want that rift open so you can attempt another deal. I say shut it down. Hit it twice.”
Mace nodded. “I would agree. Mr. Mueller, target one side, then the other.”
Hans typed into his console as the Rogers moved in again. Seconds later, the deed was done.
Hans turned as the right-hand section of the rift began to glow. “Mr. Hobbs, you can take us back out.”
As the second half of the rift began to glow, the light emanating from the right side began to spread, meeting up with that from the left. As the glows joined, they burned bright. The rift again shrank. This time, when the glow collapsed, the space-time rift had shrunk by almost a third.
Mace smiled. “Gentleman, I have to say I like what I’m seeing.”
“Let’s hit her again!” said Johnny.
Jeff nodded. “All other parameters are holding steady. If we manage to shrink it by another third, the Karthians will have to reduce their column to no more than five ships wide.”
Mace gestured. “Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Mueller, another run like the last please.”
The attack on the rift was repeated, and again the diameter of the breach shrunk by a third.
Gnaga cautioned, “I’m seeing fluctuations, Mr. Moskowitz. The zeta parameter seems to have an oscillation.”
Mace stroked his goatee. “Let’s give it a few minutes. I don’t want to cause an issue because of too much of a good thing. As Stark says, there’s no immediate need. Speaking of that, do you have an estimate of when that new station will arrive?”
Stark replied, “The only information I have is that it’s on its way. That could mean two hours or five months. We have no way of knowing.”
Jeff said, “The zeta parameter appears to be stabilizing.”
Humphrey said, “Mr. Hardy, I’m picking up movement on the other side of the rift. One moment… it’s big. Very big. Has to be one of those stations. And I have ships coming in as well.”
Mace pointed at the display. “Mr. Hobbs, take us in. Mr. Mueller, give us two more… no, three hits on the sides of that rift.”
Gnaga raised a hand. “Mr. Hardy, I would suggest caution.”
Mace replied, “If we don’t close that rift now, once it’s in place, that station will prevent us from doing it then.”
“Knock it down,” Johnny added.
Derwood raced onto the bridge, barking.
Johnny pointed. “The dog says do it now!”
The Rogers slipped in. Three pulses from the wormhole weapon were fired into the rift. A ring surrounding the outside edges glowed bright. The rift in space-time shrank rapidly to a point, but the glow continued.
Gnaga said, “I’m getting readings off the scale, Mr. Hardy. I would pull back if possible.”
Mace nodded. “Mr. Hobbs, move us away.”
Johnny whispered. “Nobody’s flying through that rift. Unless maybe they have the gatrellium hull-skin like we do.”
Malcom Stark commented, “Congratulations, Mr. Hardy. Your team has accomplished what we thought impossible.”
Mace replied, “The tenacity of these people is what did that, Mr. Stark. If it holds, maybe we can get down to having a peaceful existence.”
“The Ka
rthians are still out there, Mr. Hardy. And they know where we are. If another way can be found to here, they will find it. Perhaps this will buy us the time we need to replenish our military capabilities. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to share whatever weapon you used on that rift with us?”
Mace laughed. “Not a chance. And I’m sending you over a list of star systems that we are laying claim to. We’ve been to these, explored them, and mapped them. I suggest we exchange data on our claims so as to not create contentions in the future.”
Stark replied, “I take it from that you are relinquishing your claims to Earth space?”
Mace huffed. “Hardly. We claim that as a birthright. But you obviously have the people behind you, and we can’t argue with that. Maybe at the moment consider us minority shareholders who do not answer to you rule.”
Stark hesitated for several seconds. “I suppose it would not hurt for you to have uninhibited access so long as your visits are not aimed at subversion. And I will let the people know that it was your team that closed the rift, ending the Karthian threat.”
Mace nodded. “I suppose that’s as much as we could ask for at the moment. I’m certain we’ll be talking again.”
Stark’s silhouette bowed as the comm closed.
Jasper said, “I still don’t trust that snake.”
Mace sat back in his command chair. “None of us does, Mr. Collins. He’s given us plenty of reasons not to.”
Gnaga said, “Mr. Moskowitz, I’m concerned with these parameters. That shrunken rift is emitting extreme levels of gamma radiation.”
Jeff replied, “It’s not enough to overwhelm our shields. It’s an interesting phenomenon, though. I would place those numbers in the soft gamma ray burst category, something you might see from an extremely small magnetar.”
Jasper cut in. “I say we get back to business at Divinia. I’ll leave a couple scouts out here to monitor the area.”
With the Karthian threat diminished and Earth under Stark’s control, the Rogers returned to its new home at Divinia.
Johnny said, “I guess this is where we put our mailbox now?”
Mace replied, “Mr. Collins has indicated he doesn’t have a problem with that. I want to see things settle on Earth for a bit before we head back. Everyone can make their own decision as to remain here or to go back there.”
Zax and Fina raced onto the bridge, with Jane just behind.
Mace laughed. “They just don’t quit, do they?”
Jane shook her head. “You have no idea. I don’t remember having that much energy when I was a kid. And the thing is, they can switch it off in an instant. I can put them to bed and they’re both out in two minutes’ time.”
Mace said, “I want some of what they have. How’s their reading coming?”
Johnny replied, “With the digital library on the ship, they’re both blasting through the books. Still at the sixth grade reading level, which means constant questions. I don’t know how my angel here does it, but she patiently answers every one.”
Jane half smiled. “They’re starting to get complex. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep up.”
Mace asked, “Has Fina been in the water lately?”
Jane shook her head. “We were worried about that, but she seems fine.”
Jasper walked onto the bridge of the Rogers. “If you want, there are any number of community pools around Yentis. And lakes and such beyond the city. Hazards are minimal.”
Jane smiled. “I’ll arrange an outing for all the kids on the ship. Will be good for them to have a somewhat normal activity.”
Jasper took control of a Targarian vacation resort complex just outside Yentis. The Rogers hovered over the lawn as its Human crew moved into the villas that made up the complex. The Targarians were happy to provide whatever would be needed for their Human guests to feel welcome. Jasper took pride in their response.
Jeff, Gnaga, and their team of scientists and engineers moved back to the lab in the city. They would continue to work to solve the physics puzzles now before them. Particular attention would be focused on how the endpoints of a wormhole could be moved once it was established. The possibilities for making use of that feature were almost limitless.
Mace joined Jasper at the space docks, where his new fleet of Collins class vessels was taking shape. “It’s strange, I almost feel hesitant to accept that the Karthian threat is gone.”
Jasper nodded. “Now we have to worry about Stark.”
“I’m not so sure about that. Without the Karthians, he may have trouble bringing all the Union members into his tent. At the moment, they have the ships, he only has Humans. I could see them turning on him in an instant.”
Jasper leaned his head to one side. “Maybe. All the more reason for us to continue our buildup.”
Mace frowned. “We may have another issue.”
Jasper turned. “What’s that?”
Mace crossed his arms. “We have several hundred star systems in the region of space surrounding Earth that we’ve now explored. Being the first there gives us claiming rights. Without having outposts, I could see Stark’s people, or the Union members, trying to lay claim to them.”
Jasper scowled. “We left markers on every one of those.”
“Markers can be moved. I think we might want to consider outposts.”
Jasper leaned on the railing of the catwalk they stood on. “We don’t have the gatrellium needed to open and maintain a couple hundred outposts. You put people out there and you have to feed them. And you have to bring them back at some point. Without a sufficient supply of gatrellium, our fleet, other than for home defense, becomes useless.”
Mace smiled. “So what you’re really saying is we need to get our team back out there to hunt gatrellium.”
Jasper nodded. “They ain’t making any more of it. If someone else gets to it first, it’s gone for good.”
Mace sighed. “I’ll give everyone a couple days’ rest before I spring that on them. I’m sure there’s enough stress going on over the whole Stark situation. If given the choice, I’m sure at least half would just give up and return home.”
Mace shook his head. “You know, I mentioned earlier about Stark needing the Karthians for leverage over the Union? Well, I think he now needs us. And I’m not talking the Rogers, I’m talking you and the Targarians. You give him a common enemy to talk about with the others. And I’m not suggesting you give up in any way. I’m on your side. I’m just saying he will now use you as his reason for the Union members to need him. Even without the Karthians, this whole region of space is in chaos.”
“OK. Well, that just means we have to fix it.”
Mace laughed. “Well, I guess we do.”
Chapter 9
Two days of rest were given before a volunteer crew was asked to make a jump to Canto to check on the Knuttin Corporation. A single crew volunteered. A wormhole portal was opened and the Rogers slipped through.
United Front dreadnoughts were waiting. “Mr. Hardy, What business do you have on Canto?”
“We just came to check on the colony and the Knuttin Corporation.”
The officer on the display shook his head. “The colony of Canto is not your concern. The United Front has it under its protection. As to the Knuttin Corporation, your inquiries will have to be directed to them.”
“OK. Can you pass a message to Frado Knuttin for us? Tell him Mace Hardy is here.”
“I’m afraid the United Front Military cannot be used for such purposes.”
Mace tapped his finger on his armrest. “OK. Then we’ll be going down to the surface to pass a message from there.”
The officer replied, “You command a ship with weapons that is not registered as a United Front vessel. You will not be allowed to go further.”
Mace returned an angry stare. “I own 24 percent of that planet.”
The officer turned belligerent. “You are in violation of United Front space. You will withdraw or s
uffer the consequences.”
Mace held up a hand. “My apologies if I got a bit heated. May we take an unarmed shuttle to the surface?”
The officer nodded. “That would be acceptable, after a search. No weapons, including personal weapons, are allowed within United Front space. Bring your shuttle back to this location. Your warship must withdraw immediately.”
Johnny scowled. “I’m starting to think these people are Nazis.”
Mace nodded. “It would appear so.”
Mace opened a comm. “Miss Taub, could you meet me in bay one?”
“Sure thing.”
Mace turned. “Mr. Crawford, that leaves you in charge. We should be back in a few hours… if Mr. Knuttin responds. If we haven’t heard from him within a couple days, we’ll make our way back out here for a pick-up.”
Jordan took command of the bridge. “As soon as the shuttle is out, let’s take her back a ways.”
Jenny was waiting in the bay when Mace arrived. “We going down to the surface?”
Mace nodded. “They won’t allow the Rogers down there. If you have any hand weapons on you, go ahead and leave them over there on the table. We’ll be getting an inspection from the UF before they will allow us on Canto.”
“Sounds like they’ve really changed around their level of protection out here. Last time we just let them know we were coming.”
Mace walked up the shuttle ramp with Jenny following. “They want the Rogers to move back out of their space. As soon as we’re out, they’re leaving. Not home, just out.”
Jenny sat and strapped herself in. “Too much hostility in this galaxy.”
The shuttle hovered and then exited the bay. Minutes later, after a full scan, it was landing inside a docking bay of the UF dreadnought Firus.