HADRON Axiom Page 7
Chapter 7
A shuttle landed in a field on the cave property. Two Mawga scientists emerged carrying a generator similar in size to a shoebox. Two hours after the landing, the RV was powered up.
One of the scientists, Maala Heeb, offered a smile: “The generator requires you keep an adequate supply of water in your tank. Under load, I would expect it to use no more than three gallons a day. The generator is self-filtering, but no harm in using filtered water.”
Johnny asked, “How self-filtering is it?”
Maala returned a proud smile. “Quite. You only need make sure the intake does not foul.”
“So I could piss in it if we need power?”
“I suppose, but you will need a constant supply. Should the fuel run short, the reaction will die. And you do not have the means to restart it.”
Mace gestured. “That small box you have in your hand, that the starter?”
Maala moved the box to behind himself. “Indeed it is. And if you were going to ask, I’m afraid I cannot leave it with you. It is not a technology we are prepared to share.”
Johnny tilted his head. “Can it be used as a weapon or something?”
Maala pursed his lips. “I am sorry, Mr. Tretcher, I am not at liberty to say.”
Jane said, “We thank you for your efforts here today, Mr. Heeb. It will be nice to have the RV running again.”
“You are welcome, Mrs. Tretcher. And thank you for the kind words.”
Maala looked over at the Jeep. “If you’d like, we could convert that vehicle to also run on a generator. Would you be interested in such?”
Mace walked toward the Jeep. “I would love to have that done. How long do you think it will take?”
“Before sunset. Should we begin?”
“I would say yes.”
Maala barked several commands into his comm. Four additional crewmen emerged from the shuttle carrying several boxes.
Mace gestured. “Keys are in the ignition.”
As the Mawga team got to work on the Jeep, Mace stood beside Johnny and Jane. “Gotta like the prospect of having my Jeep back.”
Johnny shook his head. “I’ll have to say, they’ve been doing all the right things to make me a believer. But I just can’t get over them showing up at such a convenient time. I mean, what are the odds they were here observing us when that hit? I would bet dollars to donuts they knew this was gonna happen and probably had something to do with it.”
Mace replied, “Well, I did see Bontu get a little hot under the collar when that was suggested to him more than once. You aren’t the first to have that suspicion. In fact, we had four military commanders and their bases that refused the food and power. If they’re still holding out a couple weeks from now, Bontu said he might enlist my help again.”
As the sun was setting behind the trees, Maala approached. “Mr. Hardy, would you care to give it a try?”
“You’re done?”
“We believe so. I performed an analysis of the prior power. You should be pleased. The fuel tank has been converted and filled with water. With that size vehicle, the sixteen gallons should last you for six to eight weeks of continuous use.”
Johnny said, “Isn’t that about what you said for the RV?”
Maala replied, “It is. The reactor operates at a constant burn. The slightly larger model in the RV operates at a higher level and therefore uses more of the water fuel.”
Mace waved his hand as he walked toward the Jeep. “Six to eight weeks is great. You’ve been quite generous today, Maala. I thank you for that.”
“It was my pleasure. It is not often my team gets to perform such duties. Most of our lives are spent on the ship ensuring the systems perform at the optimum level. Such distractions are quite satisfying. I should thank you for asking.”
Mace sat in the driver���s seat. “Any special instructions?”
Maala shook his head. “Only keeping the fuel available, as we spoke of before. Otherwise, just turn the key and press the accelerator. Although, I would caution you about the power available through the reactor-motor pair we installed. Do not depress the accelerator fully unless you are willing to risk the remainder of the drivetrain.”
“Johnny? Go for a quick ride?”
Johnny walked around, getting into the passenger seat.
Maala added, “I would suggest you buckle up.”
Both men complied. The key was turned, the gearbox put in reverse, and the accelerator lightly pressed. The four large tires on the Jeep squealed as the Jeep sped backwards.
Mace jammed on the brakes as he leaned his head out through the now unzippered window. “I barely touched it!”
Maala replied, “Perhaps I should dial down the output for you.”
Mace laughed as he pushed the shifter into first gear. “No, I think I can handle it.”
The tires again squealed, spitting small rocks from the drive as it lurched forward. Once out on the road, the acceleration was put to a further test, the only noise being a whine by the motor and the roar of the large tires on the pavement. Johnny let out a yell as they sped away.
Jane shook her head. “Boys and their toys.”
Maala nodded. “Humans males do appear to be enthusiastic about their automobiles. I suppose the freedom offered by personal transport would be welcome.”
“You have a family?”
“If you are making reference to the traditional Human family, the answer would be no. Each of us gets our identity from the birthing center where we were grown. I share the Heeb name with about thirty thousand others.”
“That’s a lot of Heebs. Must be difficult to get your own identity.”
Maala inquired, “How so?”
Jane laughed. “I know I’d have a tough time if there were thirty thousand Jane Tretchers running around.”
“Ah. We each have a different first name that is drawn from a database of available names. Until a name has passed, you are assured it belongs to you.”
Jane watched as the Jeep passed the drive doing close to eighty. “What kind of schooling do they put you through? You’ve studied ours, I’m sure. How does it compare?”
“Our first five years are without name. We are taught the basics and tested for aptitude. I was selected for the science field of study due to my scoring.”
Maala looked back at the rest of his team, who were gathered around the shuttle ramp. “However, we have some who are allowed to select their course of study due to their family name. Take Jolli Fredda over there. He is the one who is sitting. His scores were well below our lowest team member, but the Fredda name is four lines removed from the throne.”
Jane lifted her eyebrows. “Throne? You have a king?”
“An emperor, but, yes. The Degiis family has been in power for three hundred years. Emperor Sasrah Degiis has been on the throne for twenty-six of your years.”
“Is that a long time?”
“An emperor’s longevity is directly tied to his ability to not only protect the realm, but to expand it.”
Maala’s facial expression changed. “I must apologize, Mrs. Tretcher. My blathering on about my species must be boring.”
“Not at all. I find it fascinating and would love to hear more.”
Maala offered a half smile as the Jeep pulled back into the drive. “Perhaps one day we can further discuss our cultural differences. I will say that I find the study of Humans fascinating as well.”
Mace stepped out of the Jeep with a grin on his face. “I’m impressed with your work, Maala. Acceleration was smooth and pinned us back in the seat.”
Johnny nodded. “Would have gotten killed in that thing if I’d had it as a teenager.”
Maala said, “Mr. Hardy, again we thank you for your service with Mr. Montak.”
A crewman from the shuttle walked up with a box.
Maala reached in, pulling out a small device with a leather strap that was meant to be worn on the wrist. “I have another gift for each of
you. I believe Bontu spoke to you about comm devices. Each of these, to be worn on the wrist, has a unique ID number. Enter the number of any other device and you may speak with the other wearer. Multiple comms can be linked together if a larger conversation or audience is required. It is relatively easy to build lists of common IDs, and each can be tied to a voice command. With a few minutes of trial and error, you can easily master the device.”
Jane was the first to take one, lashing it to her right wrist.
Maala turned to face Mace. “Mr. Hardy, the comm device given to you by Bontu can perform the same functions. You will all have the instant communications with one another that you desire. And before you ask, these will be distributed in the coming weeks to all who would like one.”
Johnny entered the ID for Jasper. “Hey, jackass two… this is jackass one. Do you copy?”
Jasper replied, “How could I not? I’m standing three feet away from you. Mr. Heeb? Please tell me these have call blocking on them.”
Maala replied, “There are many features, including a guided tour of how to use them. Just ask the device for the guided tour at any time.”
Johnny gave Jasper a scowl, which was immediately returned.
With the comm devices delivered, Maala and his team boarded the shuttle and lifted off. With only a whisper, the gray craft slipped up and over the treetops, disappearing into the increasing darkness from the already-set sun.
Jane looked down at her wrist comm. “If they outfit everyone with one of these, maybe we can get some semblance of a government working again.”
Mace looked down at his arm pad with concern. “Depending on who’s in charge, that may or may not be a good thing. Some of the military outposts had commanders that seemed quite happy with the status quo. And in our current state, who could say if justice would be justice? I have no doubt those men who were hanged for rustling were guilty, but who’s best to make those judgments?”
Tres and Vanessa returned from their long walk. “We have an announcement, everyone.”
As they formed into a semicircle, Tres continued: “Vanessa and I are getting married. I asked, she said yes.”
The group erupted in hugs and congratulations. Smiles were on everyone’s faces as a comm from Bontu came in on Mace’s arm pad.
“This is Hardy.”
“Mr. Hardy. I would like to enlist your services next week should two of the remaining base commanders continue to hold out. A Colonel Lafayette and a Captain Rollings have not only refused our assistance, but they have made veiled threats against us. I would like your assistance as we attempt to calm the growing tensions. If the commanders persist, I will be there Tuesday to pick you up.”
Mace replied, “Tuesday is fine, Bontu. I’ll be here. Just give me a heads-up that you’re coming.”
The holo-image of Bontu Montak smiled. “I thank you again for your assistance, Mr. Hardy. Hopefully, this will resolve itself before that time comes.”
As the week passed, Mace, Johnny and Jane made repeated trips into town. Alcohol was bartered for standard Human food. A special trip saw Tres and Vanessa married by a minister. With the festive event, some semblance of normalcy was returning to the valley.
The following Tuesday, Mace received a call from Bontu. His services would be needed. The shuttle landed in a nearby field, and Mace walked up the ramp as it slowly lifted upward.
Bontu said, “It is good to see you again, my friend.”
“So what are we looking at here? Give me the lowdown.”
“Colonel Lafayette has repeatedly told us to stay away from his territory. The Marine Reserve base in Cincinnati is under his control. Unfortunately, that keeps the entire city from receiving aid. The colonel has threatened to attack our ships if we enter his airspace. While he has every right to refuse our help, we will not be threatened with violence when on a strictly humanitarian mission.”
Mace paced out on a walkway as the great ship flew toward the base. “And what is it exactly that you want me to do?”
“We would like you to talk him down from his rhetoric. We do not wish confrontation, but neither will we be bullied into giving up our mission.”
Mace leaned on a railing as the tree-covered hills and farmlands passed below. “I’ll see what I can do, Bontu. No guarantees, of course.”
The ship came to a stop just short of the base. Mace Hardy joined Bontu on a shuttle that was soon on the ground, landing in a cemetery across from the base. An irritated colonel was waiting with four Marines.
Mace turned to Bontu as he began to walk down the ramp. “You stay here. Let me talk to them alone. Maybe I can persuade them to ease up. Or at least find out what their real beef is.”
Bontu nodded as Mace descended the ramp.
Seconds later, he was standing in front of the Marines. “Colonel, Mace Hardy. I’m here merely as a facilitator. I’m not on one side or the other. I just want to find out from you exactly what your position is on all this.”
The colonel returned a scowl. “Our position, the American position, is that we not only don’t want their help, we want them out of our city, our state, and our country. They will be our destruction, and naive people like you are helping them do it.”
“Please explain, Colonel. I’ve been traveling around with these… beings, for the better part of a month. They’ve brought much-needed food supplies and reconnected power in most places. Just last week we were given comm devices so we could communicate with each other without having to be face to face. I’ll admit to being suspicious of their motives, Colonel, but until they give me solid reasons to not trust them, I have to give them my support. I can say this, the hunger killings have stopped since they arrived.”
The colonel stepped forward with an angry expression. “You are blind, sir! They are making us dependent on them. They control the power systems, not us. And they are the ones who are making the food drops, while our farmers stop tending fields. Our citizens, instead of pushing hard to prepare for the future, are content with sitting in their homes enjoying their A/C. All the efforts we made over the past six months or so to bring about a sustainable civilization as we rebuild have been abandoned. Meanwhile, these gray rats are scampering in and poisoning our people’s minds and spirits.”
Mace crossed his arms. “It’s funny, Colonel, I’ve had many of those same thoughts. We had a number of co-ops set up to get sustainable farming going in the valley we’ve spent almost a year in now. As soon as the food and power came, the people there dropped everything we had been working hard to accomplish. It was a lot of effort put forth that turned out to be for nothing. I’ll admit to being unhappy with that outcome as well, but we’re a nation of individuals, Colonel. People have to make up their own minds. And right now, they would rather relax and live than work hard and struggle to survive.”
The colonel shook his head. “They’re giving up our sovereignty, Mr. Hardy. And you are helping them. As to the benevolence of these little hairless rats, I don’t trust them. Everything has a price. And mark my words, they will be extracting theirs when the time comes.”
Mace talked with the Marines for another fifteen minutes before returning to the shuttle.
He walked up the ramp to a questioning Bontu Montak. “Well, Mr. Hardy? Should we be concerned?”
Mace stopped, turning back to look at the colonel and his men as they stood defiantly among the grave markers. “I would give them more time, Mr. Montak. While the threats may only be bluster intended to keep you away, I could see the colonel escalating those to actions if pushed. I think if you give them another month or two they might come around.”
As the ramp raised, Bontu replied, “I am sorry, Mr. Hardy, but we cannot allow open threats to our people and our ships. My superiors have been very clear about not provoking violence, and we have made every effort to prevent such, but I have also been given orders to protect our people. And these skies do not belong to the colonel and his men. They belong to your nation, and the leaders in charge have given
us the only permission we need to fly wherever we want, when we want. Should your colonel attack, we will be forced to respond in a most unpleasant way.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, Mr. Montak. Humans can be quite loyal to each other if they feel threatened by outsiders. You make the wrong moves and you might find a large number of the populace asking you to leave. And that would be ‘leave the planet,��� not just their city or town.”
Chapter 8
As the shuttle lifted into the air, Mace stood looking out a portal. A flash rose from a clump of trees to their left. The view from the window spun upward as the shuttle pilot attempted to avoid the incoming threat. An explosion rocked the shuttle, sending smoke and debris into the cabin as the craft dropped toward the ground. Mace grabbed at a rail before being thrown forward into a bulkhead wall. The shuttle, having hit the ground hard, came to a stop.
A half dozen Mawga soldiers emerged from a closed room wearing what looked like hardened battlesuits with weapons in hand. Mace winced in pain as he watched the soldiers from across the cabin. An emergency hatch was opened and the Mawga fighters dropped out onto the ground below.
Bontu was soon standing over Mace, flipping his face shield shut. “It seems the colonel has made a decision. Since it is violence he seeks, we will respond in kind.”
Bontu walked to the hatch before taking a weapon from a crewman. He glanced back at Mace as he dropped through after the others.
Thunderous explosions could be felt, and then heard, as the Mawga ship above unleashed her weapons. Mace, holding his bruised shoulder as he rose, ran to a portal that faced the Marine base. Beams of energy from the ship above sent dust and debris into the air, followed by fireballs of heat and flame as the beams impacted their targets. Whole buildings were soon in flame, and the complete Reserve compound destroyed. Mawga soldiers took positions just in front of their downed craft in an attempt to protect it.
As the great ship above pounded positions on the ground, a bay door opened and a second shuttle descended toward their location. In an instant, two missiles rocketed up from cover. One, coming from a clump of trees to the north, impacted the nose of the incoming shuttle, most certainly taking out the cockpit and her pilots. A second missile, coming from a set of buildings to the east, carved a large hole in her side. The shuttle plummeted to the ground, crashing into the center of the cemetery before bursting into flame and then disintegrating with a horrifically bright flash.