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HADRON Chaos Page 4
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Page 4
“If this station can be saved it gives us a huge defensive advantage. The Karthians need the rift to attack our space. Their generators are not as advanced as ours and consume larger quantities of gatrellium, which as you know has limited supply. With our depleted ship counts, this station is a must.”
Mace crossed his arms. “Then let Mr. Collins have it. He doesn’t want the Karthians here either. You are weakening our position just as much as he is.”
Stark was silent for almost a minute.
Humphrey yelled, “Mr. Hardy! We have ships coming through wormholes on the other side of that rift! Hundreds of them!”
Mace turned to the comm. “Jasper, Mr. Stark, it looks like the other Karthians have decided to join. Ships are pouring in. I would suggest a full evacuation!”
Stark raised his voice in frustration. “This is exactly what I feared. Mr. Collins, we can’t save this station, we must destroy it.”
Jasper said, “Then pull your troops out. I got this.”
“No, you don’t. We’ve lost here. I suggest you finish off the Karthians around you and get back to your ships. In twenty minutes this station will be swarming with Karthian troops. Commander Frall, uncase the nukes.”
Mace asked, “Wait. What’d you just say?”
Malcom sighed. “We’ve lost this station. As a contingency plan, nobody gets it. Our only consolation will be that its destruction may buy us some time. They will want to ensure a solid defense of the rift before moving through. They don’t yet know the strength of our reserves. When that weakness becomes apparent, they will come full force.”
“You’re free to go anytime,” said Jasper.
Malcom Stark banged his fist in his hand. “Collins! I’m trying to save you and your Targarians here!”
Jasper scowled. “And why would you do that?”
Stark growled, “Because I need you. We need you and your force. We will need every ship and every man we can muster. They will come through that rift with a force we cannot stop. We have to start putting our defense in order. And I… we need you and your ships to fight alongside us.”
A commander made a statement to Stark.
Malcom turned to face the camera. “You have approximately eighteen minutes to get your people off this station, Mr. Collins. There won’t be much left when we’re done. If you like the warmth of extreme gamma radiation, you are welcome to stay.”
An order was given by Stark just before his comm closed. “Pull back! I want everyone off this station in ten minutes!”
The fighting in front of Jasper Collins came to a quick end.
Mace said, “If I were you, I’d be getting my butt off there!”
Jasper stood looking down the emptied hall in front of him. “Let’s go! Evac! Everyone out! Admiral Tamkin, move our ships over to protect the transports. We’re going home.”
The seconds ticked by as the Karthian fleet approached. The two hundred forty-eight ships that remained of their original fleet of twelve hundred moved back into a defensive formation as the Union ships headed for the portal. The fifty-seven remaining Collins Kingdom vessels moved to defend their transports.
Two minutes after departure, multiple nuclear blasts obliterated more than half the station. The remainder broke into a dozen large pieces. The Targarian ships moved through the rift, meeting up with the Ravix. With a stream of micro-wormhole jumps, what was left of the Targarian fleet returned home.
Chapter 4
Mace stood on a catwalk, looking down at the Rogers as her repairs continued. “What a mess. I can’t believe Stark was in control that whole time.”
Johnny replied, “We’re gonna be paying for it. Tres said the news back home is this great deal Stark had worked out for all Humans was botched by the Targarians, and that we’re now in more danger of a Karthian invasion than ever. What bugs me is that’s something I can’t even argue with.”
Mace reached up with his hand, rubbing his forehead through his faceshield. “Up and down, up and down. Is this ride ever gonna end?”
Johnny shook his head. “At least we all came back in one piece today. Jasper’s people didn’t, but we did. How long before our first production ship is ready?”
Mace scowled. “We stopped it. And we had our people scrap the critical components manufacturing. We were just starting to build components, and since they’re identical to Jasper’s, I thought it a bad idea to produce them on Earth because Stark would have access if he wanted it.”
“Stark’s gonna be pissed.”
Mace hesitated for a moment. “I’m having all the current components transferred to Divinia. Should be closed out before he knows what happened.”
Jane joined the men on the catwalk. “There must be something we can do. Would the UF be willing to provide protection for a tax?”
Mace frowned. “Doubtful. Not that we’d want them to anyway. Their lockdown of Canto is discouraging.”
Jane pointed down at the Rogers. “When will she be ready?”
“We should have the wormhole generator operational in a couple days,” said Mace. “After that, about a week’s worth of other repairs. They’re replacing one of the funnels on the gravity drives. Was cracked clean through.”
Johnny winced. “I thought those things could take a beating? I know we can cut into them with the microwave cannon. Didn’t know they could be cracked.”
Mace half smiled. “Too bad Jasper couldn’t gather some info on that weapon while he was on that station.”
Jasper walked up from behind. “Who says I didn’t?”
Mace turned. “If you did, please tell me. I’d want to get Jeff’s team right on that.”
Jasper shook his head. “So long as Jeff is on Earth, I can’t risk giving him the information. This is not something we need to have Stark’s people looking over.”
“You do know Jeff would never turn that over, right?”
Jasper nodded. “I believe that to be true, but Stark’s people don’t play fair. They aren’t gonna ask for it nicely. They’re gonna beat it out of him, or threaten to beat Nancy unless he tells all. That’s the way they work. I very much want Jeff, Gnaga, and the others to look this over. But they’re gonna need to come out here. They can work in my labs with my people.”
Mace crossed his arms. “I believe they would be amenable to that. When will you be ready for them?”
“As soon as you can get them here.”
Mace looked at Johnny and Jane. “Ready for a quick trip home? Jane, I know you’re itching to see Zax and Fina. If you want, we can drop you there. Since we’re just jumping back to here it won’t be critical for you to come back with us.”
Jane smiled. “I’d like that.”
“Well, let’s get moving then. Johnny, open a comm to Jeff when we get aboard. Give him a heads up that we’d like to bring his team back, but don’t give him a reason as to why. Maybe tell him we want them to go over some of the critical repairs or something. Make it sound reasonable in case anyone is somehow listening.”
Johnny chuckled. “You mean somebody as in Stark?”
Mace nodded. “Those comm devices are still based on what the Mawga gave him. The rollout of the new stuff hasn’t happened yet.”
“You think he can tap our comms?”
“Not on the ship, just the personal ones. You call Jeff. Jeff will call Nancy. If they’re listening, we want him to have a good cover.”
Twenty minutes later, the Ravix landed in the field by the cave. The ramp was lowered and Jeff and Gnaga hustled their entire team of scientists onto the waiting ship. Jane walked to a waiting transport where Vanessa was busy swatting and yelling at the five kids, who were jumping, climbing, and yelling continuously. Jane eagerly joined the ongoing excitement.
Jeff walked onto the bridge. “You might want to get us out of here. Two men have been snooping around the property for the last two days. I think we’re being watched.”
Mace asked, “Anyone tried to contact any of you yet?�
Jeff shook his head. “No, but we’ve detected comm intrusions. I’m guessing you don’t want us to look over the ship repairs?”
Mace turned to Liam. “Mr. Hobbs, take us back to Divinia.”
As the ship began to lift, Mace said, “Jasper managed to get data off that station. I thought having you and your team look it over was a good idea. We can’t do that here without risking the data falling into Stark’s hands.”
Jeff nodded. “I would agree with that reasoning. And just so you know, I’m almost certain that none of the members of our team are Stark supporters. They aren’t motivated by working for the king.”
Johnny laughed. “Even though you’re bringing them here to work for the king?”
Jeff nodded. “I believe they know the difference. Anyway, I expect at some point we will be returning to Earth with this knowledge, so I plan to have them divided into teams where only a single aspect—or maybe a small group of parameters—is looked at. If they don’t know the whole weapon, there’s less chance of Stark acquiring the knowledge of how to build one.”
Mace smiled. “Good job, Doc. Thinking ahead, I like that.”
Johnny turned. “Incoming hail from Stark’s people.”
“Patch it through.”
“Mr. Hardy, under the authority of the king you are being asked to bring that vessel to a halt for an inspection.”
“Sorry. Not happening. We don’t operate under the authority of any king.”
The officer on the comm said, “I’m authorized to use whatever means necessary to stop you, Mr. Hardy. That includes the defense grid around this planet.”
Mace shook his head. “You really need to work on your bluffing skills, Mr….?”
The officer replied, “Colonel Sanders.”
Johnny burst out laughing.
Mace said, “Sorry, Colonel, The king knows he needs all available persons and ships for this upcoming fight. I highly doubt you are authorized to do anything more than threaten.”
Liam said, “Jump coming in ten seconds.”
Mace nodded to Liam before looking back at the comm. “Have a good day, Colonel.”
The comm was closed as the Ravix slipped through a wormhole to Divinia. Ten minutes later they were on the ground in the blue city of Yentis. The team of thirty-two scientists and engineers was guided to a lab where Jasper’s Targarians were waiting. Jeff had an hour-long conference with Mace before returning to give duty assignments.
The Ravix returned to the repair docks. Jasper was waiting on his usual perch, the catwalk overlooking the main repair bays.
“My team says it was developing some kind of quantum wave.”
Mace held up a hand. “You can skip trying to explain that one.”
“Anyway, I was gonna say, they think it’s something we can build. The Karthians had an extensive data library on that station. We believe we can replicate their lasers as well.”
“Now that we can understand,” said Johnny.
Mace leaned on the rail. “Will this ever be over?”
Jasper said, “So long as somebody out there wants what someone else has, it won’t. You have to be willing to fight to keep what you have.”
“I know you don’t think so, but I still have to wonder if we… you, had left Stark’s plans in place, would we be looking at a new age of man? A time when peace reigned, at least for a while? Might not be bad to be on the aggressor side of things for a while. Citizens could go their whole lives without being involved in any conflict.”
Jasper shook his head. “At the cost of their freedom. What happens when a war doesn’t go the way it was planned? What would Stark’s first orders be the first time a fight is going badly? Your easy life back home would be interrupted when you got conscripted to go off and fight his war for him. If you took away his aggressive ambition, he might be OK, but that’s not who he is.”
Johnny said, “Jasper’s right. If we sit back and just watch, then we get whatever comes our way. At least out here we can shape our futures. I’d love nothing more than to have a world where Zax and Fina can grow up without the constant threat of annihilation hanging over them.”
Jasper crossed his arms. “So how is it we get rid of Stark?”
“You talking assassination?”
Jasper nodded. “If that’s what it takes.”
Johnny laughed. “You know, I had this guy in college that used to say about the terrorists that all we needed to do was to sit down and have a rational discussion with them over a cup of coffee. It was like he believed they could be reasoned with, that somehow this little light was gonna go off in their heads, and they would understand his peace proposal. A wonderful thought, but it has no basis in reality when you’re dealing with psychos.”
Mace replied, “Well, you actually could sit and have a cup of coffee with Stark, but you aren’t going to convince him of anything. He would just look at it as an opportunity to pitch his position, and of course to belittle you for being opposed to his great vision for mankind.”
Jasper nodded. “As I said, the man needs to be gotten rid of.”
Johnny frowned. “How do you get rid of someone when you don’t even know where they are? We don’t even know what he looks like.”
Mace said, “I don’t think we want to get rid of him right now anyway. He’s resourceful, and we need someone to prosecute this coming war.”
Jasper invited Mace and Johnny down to his palace for a small lunch feast. A shuttle landed and the three men walked to the dining hall.
Jasper said, “Similar spread to last time you were here. Pick out what you want. My staff will eat the rest.”
Johnny laughed. “You’re not gonna tell us they’re snail butts or gall bladders afterward, are you?”
Jasper smiled. “I guess that depends on what you choose to eat.”
Johnny replied, “Here we go.”
Jasper waved his hand. “They are all legit, normal foods. Except those tendrils maybe. I have to admit they’re disgusting, but I can’t stop eating them either.”
“Sounds like a disorder to me,” joked Johnny.
Jasper smiled. “I have my share.”
Jeff came over the comm. “I think we might be having a breakthrough!”
“On the green wave?” asked Mace.
Jeff shook his head. “On a unified field theory. We think we might have a set of equations worked out that work with electromagnetism, gravity, and quantum theory. For a physicist, this is as exciting as it gets. The Karthian data store seems to be a treasure trove of experimentation and results. We could be studying this for quite some time.”
Johnny asked, “So you can build the green energy weapon?”
Jeff frowned. “I’m afraid we are a bit away from that. There’s so much here to go through, I’m about to burst with excitement.”
Mace put down his eating utensils, a curved fork and a sharp edged spoon. “Jeff, sorry but I have to ask… is this discovery pertinent to the building of one of those weapons?”
Jeff tilted his head from one side to the other in thought. “I would suppose it is in some ways.”
Mace said, “OK, I think I see where this is going. Look, the discoveries you’re talking about, if true, are fantastic for the future of the study of physics. That has to be thrilling to you and the others. However, we’re at war, and we’re desperate for a weapon to help us defend ourselves. So I’m going to offer this only once: please, please put the theoretical stuff to the side and focus on getting us use of this weapon. Understanding all the physical properties of the universe isn’t gonna help us if we’re overrun, killed, or enslaved.”
Jeff let out a sigh. “I understand. I’m sorry I got so excited. You are correct. Our focus needs to be on unwrapping the secrets of that weapon so we can build one for our defense.”
“Think of it this way. You give us something we can fight with, and in return we give you a peaceful existence where you can make all the grand discoveries your heart desires.”
Jeff nodded. “I’ll pass that instruction along.”
The comm closed.
Johnny chuckled. “You just burst his bubble.”
“We need that weapon. We can’t fight the Karthians with a series of equations.”
Johnny raised his hand. “You’re preaching to the choir here.”
As they delved into the delicacies of Divinia, Mace asked, “What are we at, ten warships a week now?”
Jasper nodded. “With the components that came from Earth I expect that number to increase to twelve by next weekend.”
“And there’s no good way to increase those numbers further?”
Jasper shook his head. “Not only would we need a new construction dock, we would need more component assemblies. I’ve talked with my engineers about this very subject. Our resources are strained now.”
Mace twirled a ghateral noodle on his curved fork. “What if we enlisted the Union species to build components?”
Jasper scowled. “That would mean giving all our secrets away. I’m not willing to risk that yet.”
“Kind of a catch-22,” said Johnny. “We either don’t have the resources to defend ourselves from the Karthians or we give ourselves over fully to Stark.”
Jasper replied, “The Karthians haven’t attacked yet.”
Mace took a sip of his Targarian wine. “Maybe there’s a compromise staring us in the face. What if we mapped out our ideal production schedule, one that includes the Union members, and planned out what we would build and where? What if we put everything we could in place, excluding our critical technology, so we could spin up production quickly should we decide to do so?”
Johnny added, “We could probably even trick the Union into building all this while holding back on the critical stuff until the last second. Get them all excited, and then pull the rug out from under them until we’re absolutely sure we need that option.”
Jasper scratched the turkey-neck under his chin. “That’s a possibility.”
Mace said, “Think about it. Instead of a buildout taking months, everything could be pre-staged so we only need a couple days to turn it on.”
Jasper nodded. “I’ll have my engineers work this over after we finish here. The two of you can provide input.”