ARMS Domers Unite: (Book 6) Read online

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  Tawn pulled back. "You aren't looking for a hug now, are you?"

  Harris smiled. "Not from you two savages. Now, how about we get back to the business of Jellon."

  — Chapter 3 —

  * * *

  Image after image of the planet Jellon and its surroundings were raised on the display wall.

  Harris shook his head. "Just too many ships there. Unless we figure out a way around them we have no way in."

  The remainder of the day was spent in discussion of the target planet. Gandy offered several suggestions. All were shot down as too risky. The day came to an end with no progress. The following morning the discussions began again.

  Harris was talking about the possibility of distraction tactics when Alex spoke: "I'm sorry to interrupt, but there is important news. The Denzee have again turned on the Earthers. The colony at Lahore has been overrun. Eighteen Earther warships have been destroyed. Half the fleet from Jellon is in orbit around the colony. Citizens are being rounded up."

  Harris replied, "Open a comm to the colonel, please."

  "Gruberg. I was expecting this call. The president has once again signed an agreement with the Denzee. Control of the colony of Clark will be returned and the Domers promise to not interfere in any conflict the Denzee have with the Earthers. Denzee ships are already leaving free world space."

  Harris nodded. "And the Denzee have just attacked Lahore. They’re rounding up citizens as we speak. Ninety Ratoons are parked in orbit there. This is double bad for the Earthers, as Lahore is also a primary food producer for them. We believe recent losses have cut their supply by a third. Any stockpiles will soon be running dry."

  "If attacking food production is the Denzee strategy, I would expect Beinshee to be next. It's a big grain producer for them. You might try one more time to make a deal with the emperor. If he declines, we may be witnessing the end of the New Earth Empire. What does that leave, seven colonies including Beinshee?"

  Alex replied, "Seven colonies plus New Earth. If the food strategy you suggest is indeed in play, Beinshee would be followed by Novosibirsk and New Tehran. Those losses would leave the empire at only 60 percent of capacity to feed its population. If all the colonies besides New Earth are eliminated, that number drops to 53 percent."

  Tawn winced. "So half their people will starve. That's just dandy. We have to find a way to stop this."

  Harris sighed. "Alex, open a comm to the emperor."

  An image appeared on the display wall. "Mr. Gruberg, once again your meddling has brought with it dire consequence for New Earth. Are you here to make light of our plight?"

  "No. We're here to offer you another chance to get yourself out of this mess. Build the hulls we had agreed upon, and provide us with the supplies we had agreed upon, and we'll rid our section of the galaxy of the Denzee. A hundred of those hulls would probably do it."

  "They have eight hundred Ratoons. How will you manage to defeat such a force? And what assurance do I have that you will use those ships in New Earth's defense?"

  "First, we've kept our word with these agreements. It's you who's broken them. Second, we have our strategies mapped out, but you need to act fast, as your ability to produce food is in decline. We're fully aware of your current situation. Beinshee will probably be their next target, followed by Novosibirsk and New Tehran. You're gonna be left with little more than starving people if you don't act now."

  "You would still deal with me after our prior encounters?"

  Bax stuck her face into the comm. "Hello, Emperor."

  "Miss Rumford. So I see you have chosen a different side."

  "You chose it for me. I left Eden knowing the mines would once again be destroyed. Instead of protecting them, you let our ships go on conquest. You lack patience, Emperor. You always have."

  "Yes, well, I was expecting results from your plan to send explosives to Midelon. I have to say I was disappointed in the failure of that mission. Perhaps they were tipped off?"

  Tawn said, "That was your idea?"

  Bax shook her head. "Didn't know anything about it. He's trying to cause dissension to weaken us. Look, Emperor, you're lies aren't believed here. You know I had nothing to do with that plan. What are you looking to gain from this? You think I'm coming back to work for you?"

  The emperor scowled. "I think you abandoned us, knowing the raid on Eden was coming. You scurried back to your handlers on Domicile. If they choose to place trust in you, it is to their own detriment."

  Harris said, "Instead of attempting to play your usual politics, Mervin, I suggest you focus on the offer before you. Build us a hundred hulls and we'll protect New Earth from the Denzee. Heck, we might even be able to push them out of our space altogether."

  An aide leaned in to the emperor, whispering in his ear. An uneasy look was returned.

  Alex said, "Denzee scouts are being reported off Beinshee."

  All eyes stared at the emperor.

  "I see I don't have a choice in this matter. I will order the refit of our factories for Banshee hulls, Mr. Gruberg. You will have your hundred ships."

  "I'm sending the original list of supplies you were supposed to provide. Fill that order as well and we'll start work on your defense."

  The emperor sat in awkward silence for almost a minute. "Very well. You will have your hulls and supplies."

  Harris nodded. "Excellent. I'll send the coordinates for delivery. You drop those supplies there first and I'll reciprocate with an ore freighter loaded with titanium."

  "A freighter you stole from me, I presume?"

  "We did. And I'm guessing you'll want it even though you're currently unable to process it."

  "Send the location, Mr. Gruberg. I'll see to it the supplies are delivered."

  "Twelve hours."


  "Have the supplies listed delivered to the location I send in twelve hours. I know you have the resources and means to make this happen. So make it happen."

  "Very well."

  "And no trying to blow us up this time. Or any other nonsense."

  "No nonsense, Mr. Gruberg. You have my word."

  Harris chuckled as the coordinates were sent and the comm closed. "His word… right."

  Tawn said, "Doubt we'll see any of that."

  "I don't know," said Bax. "He's in desperate straits at the moment. And for the record, I thought you were overly generous with the ore offer."

  Harris shrugged. "He can't use it, and it made a good deal-closer."

  The following day the Bangor slowed as it approached the drop-off point, a small rocky planet in an uninhabited system. A scan showed supplies had indeed been deposited.

  Bax said, "You think the emperor left any surprises down there?"

  Harris nodded. "We're about to find out. You'll be heading over to the Hailstorm and going down to check for us."

  "What? I'm not going down there."

  Harris chuckled. "Relax, it was a joke. We're sending one of the bots."

  Fifteen minutes later, the all clear was given. The Hailstorm moved to close proximity and the first load of supplies was moved aboard the ship. Four hours later, the last load was dropped on the surface of Midelon. The ore freighter was parked in orbit around the moon and the Bangor departed for home.

  A flood of bots was quickly poring over the newly arrived materials.

  Tawn asked Trish, "How many processors do we have ready?"

  "Three hundred twenty. More than enough. We also have a head start on many of the components, drives, wormhole generators. We built-out every bit we could with what we had. Alex says the first Banshee may be ready as early as tomorrow evening. We might have as many as twenty done by the end of the first week."

  "I can't believe this is finally happening. If we'd had these two months ago, the Denzee would have already turned tail and ran."

  As Tawn and Trish walked into the supply hut to join the others, an image of Alex came up on the display wall. "I have bad news. The Denzee have attacked Beinshee. T
welve Earther warships were lost in her defense. According to my calculations, the Earthers now have only a hundred thirty-eight warships remaining in their arsenal."

  "Not much going their way," said Tawn. "We may not have enough ships ready for a defense of New Earth itself. Nothing stopping them from just rolling over all those colonies."

  Sharvie frowned. "We could use some good news for a change."

  Gandy held up a hand. "I have some. At least a little. Our garden has vegetables growing in it. The bogler herd has added two more calves. And Reggie has started on a third garden. First harvest should be in about seven weeks. Then continuously after that."

  Bax walked to the stack of MREs and selected a meal.

  Gandy said, "Uh, we usually eat about an hour from now."

  Bax stared for several seconds. "So?"

  "It kind of gives us time to socialize and unwind. We all catch up on what each of us is working on."

  Bax smirked. "You're all trapped on this planet and on this island. How much new can there be to talk about?"

  "It's our thing. It helps us all to feel like a team."

  Bax shoved the package back on the stack. "Fine. Guess I'll just go hungry until then. Wouldn't want to mess with the team."

  Sharvie came to Gandy's defense. "It really does help. I think of everyone here as my family. Helps with the isolation from the rest of humanity."

  Bax scowled. "What are you people, in elementary school? This is war. Take charge. Stand on your own. We don't all need to hold hands."

  Tawn chuckled. "Never been much of a team player, huh?"

  "Sorry, this just seems a bit junior-league to me, but if it's the way things are done here... I don't want to be the disruptor of harmony."

  "Good. We all like it the way it is. Works for us. And the results speak for themselves."

  Harris said, "You're part of a team now, Red. I know it might be a foreign concept to you, but these are all your equals here. We're all responsible for getting us to where we are. Each contributes in their own way. Could be why we're still alive out here. There's certainly been enough events that could have put an end to that."

  Bax sat and crossed her arms. "Didn't mean to kick over the anthill. Guess I'll just shut my trap."

  Tawn asked, "When you were back on Chicago Station, you get to go out and about any, or they keep you penned up?"

  "Didn't even know where I was for the first few days. They wouldn't tell me. Didn't allow comms or even a vid display. I had an agent who visited with me once a day for several hours of debrief."

  Harris chuckled. "Trapped in an apartment with yourself. Must have been entertaining. You make shows with hand-puppets or talk to imaginary friends?"

  "Hey, I can keep myself occupied easy enough. How do you think I dealt with all those idiot Earthers out there?"

  "About that, you make any friends while there?"

  "Among the Earthers? Pfft. No. They're about the dullest bunch of people you'll ever meet. I had my own people there to converse with. True professionals. But I really can't say any more about them."

  Harris looked over each of his shoulders. "It's OK. No DDI agents here. You can talk freely."

  Gandy laughed. "Freely. Good one."

  Bax stared. "Simple humor really works on this one, huh?"

  Tawn asked, "What happened to your team?"

  "Absorbed back into the population I guess. Couldn't say if they were freed or being held like me. I was the only contact with the motherland, so they may have let them go."

  Bax turned toward Harris. "So tell me this, our bots are out there building your ships… what exactly is it the rest of you are doing?"

  "Gandy is managing our food. Trish is managing our production. Sharvie is assisting where she can and managing our comm and network security. Tawn and me are the attack squad."

  "So what exactly am I supposed to do?"

  "Advise us on the Earthers," Tawn said. "You know them best. Tell us how to keep them in their box while we figure out how to defeat the Denzee."

  "I think you've already done that first part. They have no production. They have limited food. They're losing colonies. I'd say that puts them in as big a box as you could find."

  "Good," Harris said. "Now advise us as to how we keep them there while we conduct this war. That's all we ask of you."

  "And when this war comes to an end?"

  "You can go do whatever you want. Don't care if that's selling donuts from a stand on Chicago Port Station or running back to the emperor to help him rebuild his empire. You'll be free to do whatever your little heart desires."

  Tawn said, "Just know that if you go with the Earthers and they become a threat to Domicile, we won't hesitate to do you in."

  Bax smirked. "From you, I'd expect nothing less."

  Alex came on the display wall: "The Denzee have attacked the Banton colony. And they are leaving Clark. The citizenry there, ninety-seven thousand colonists, were executed when the raid happened. The twin cities of Romulus and Remus were leveled. The Denzee have also announced that Beckland has been given back to the Domers, once again making their empire complete."

  Tawn scowled. "They won't lift a finger to help the Earthers. As I said before, we might be about to witness the extermination of a billion Humans."

  As the week since receiving supplies came to an end, the Earthers delivered the first Banshee hulls. Ten units were moved to Midelon, where a set of processing units and railguns were waiting to be installed. The bot worker force now numbered more than six-hundred-strong. Harris, Tawn, and Bax stood watching as the first Earther-made hull was powered up for testing.

  Harris said, "With our sixteen this gives us a decent sized fighting force."

  "If they're functional," Tawn said. "Trish said there were a few parts that were out of tolerance."

  "They need to work. The Denzee have been seen scouting two new colonies just this morning. They take those and the Earthers are down to four total. Nothing really stopping them from attacking New Earth right now."

  Bax shook her head. "Don't think they will. The emperor has been waving a phony protection treaty in front of their faces that states if New Earth itself is attacked the Domers will unite behind them."

  "I'm guessing when you say ‘phony’ you're saying the treaty doesn't exist?"

  Bax shook her head. "Never has, but the Denzee don't know that. Until they get their factories cranking out ships, they're going to be extra cautious. They can't afford big fleet losses with the threat of the Hoya still hanging over them."

  "Alex?" Harris asked. "How many ships, Ratoons, did the Denzee use at Banton?"


  "Is that what's there now?"


  Harris nodded. "Now that's a force we can contend with once these Banshees are online."

  The testing continued throughout the day, with all ten passing, but also with all ten having defects in manufacturing quality.

  Bax shook her head. "Those factories shouldn't be turning out that low level of quality. We never did. Either someone is cutting corners, which I can't fathom what they would possibly save by doing that, or those defects are intentional."

  Harris said, "Alex, do an analysis on what the tests are showing and tell me if it introduces a vulnerability."

  "One moment... it would appear to offer lowered defense against a certain power frequency of the Earther plasma cannons. If properly tuned, a strike of the drive system may cause misalignment, dropping their speed capability by more than half."

  Tawn said, "The dirty buggers put in a failsafe so we can't use the ships against them."

  Bax sighed. "That's the thinking I was always proposing. Sounds like someone finally fed it to the emperor."

  "Well, I can't say I like it."

  Harris replied, "Won't matter initially. And we'll make sure to use those ships in battle first, as we seem to lose one or two right off the bat every fight. And our ships we're producing here won't have that defect. All that m
atters at the moment is can or can't we use them against the Denzee."

  With initial testing complete, the new squadron was ordered up into space for an attack against the Midelon moon. Twenty minutes later, they we're returning to the compound in triumph. All systems were a go.

  Harris stood with his fists on his hips. "Alex, are the Denzee still at Banton?"

  "Thirty-four Ratoons. Twenty-six Dulons."

  "Tawn? You up for a raid? That's twenty-six ships we have to take in. Given our past performances, we should easily come out on top."

  "I think we should do it. Might be a good wake-up call to the Denzee to slow down. That works to our advantage."

  "Until they start fielding new ships," said Bax. "Which could be at any time."

  Harris gestured toward the exit. "Let's get a move-on, then."

  Gandy leaned back in his chair: "Miss Rumford, this is where we sit and wait."

  "I'm going with them."

  Harris replied, "You want to go, then come on."

  "Hey, that's not fair!" Gandy protested. "Why does she get to go and not us?"

  Tawn chuckled. "Because we care about losing you."

  Bax scowled. "Nice. Let's not mince words with how you really feel here."

  The trio boarded the Bangor. The Hailstorm, being their only freighter, was left behind. The small fleet of twenty-five ships took to the skies.

  — Chapter 4 —

  * * *

  After a short run to free space, Harris looked over his shoulder. "You might want to pull that lap belt tight. It can get rough out here. I've been tossed around this cabin more than once."

  As the Bangor slipped through the wormhole, followed by the small automated fleet, the Denzee ships appeared on the nav display. A dozen Denzee wormholes opened as Harris deployed the boson bomb into Banton space. The bomb detonated just as the enemy ships were attempting to flee through them, cutting a dozen in half, their remaining portions flash freezing as they began to drift. Four others made it through safely. The remaining twenty were left to face the Human-led fleet of Banshees.

  "That just got a lot easier," Harris said. "I like these odds."