HADRON Chaos Page 3
Jasper banged his fist on his chair arm. “This is unacceptable. I have a mind to order my ships in there right now. That would throw a huge wrench in his works. Might even prevent the Karthians from signing that final deal. It would certainly leave him weakened.”
“And it would leave you dead. He has two thousand ships sitting there and you have five hundred. I can’t say I like those odds.”
Jasper replied, “We need to make contact with his Karthian contacts.”
Mace laughed. “And how would you propose we do that?”
Jasper looked at his main display. “We charge through that rift and take that station. They have to have direct contact with their home fleet.”
Mace winced. “Look, suppose you make it there, and suppose you can take control and make contact, why would they join you over him? What do you have to offer? Your sixteen colonies worth of trade as opposed to over a hundred with Stark? I don’t see them taking that deal.”
Jasper huffed. “They have to see Stark for the snake he is.”
Mace shook his head. “They’ll think the same of you trying to come in to make a deal at the last minute. No, I’d say our only option right now is to take a little time to think. You have all your ships and colonies. We need a plan of attack. And that plan has to have contingencies. If we just jump right into it here, there’s no telling where it ends. Most likely with all our deaths.”
Jasper slowly nodded. “You’re right. Just the frustration talking.”
Mace said, “You know, if you gave in and joined, you could still be king of the Targarians. The members of his kingdom will have a lot of local autonomy. His rules will mostly govern interactions between species, not within them.”
Jasper gestured toward the shuttle bay. “You’re right. Go on back to the Ravix. I need to calm down and think this through for a while.”
Mace turned and stopped. “You sure you’re OK?”
Jasper nodded. “Yep. Fine. I’ll give you a comm if I come up with anything.”
Chapter 3
Mace returned to the Ravix. After a short walk he found himself on the bridge. The senior members of his crew were all standing around.
Johnny said, “Well?”
Mace replied, “He’s upset, as you would expect, but I think he’s calmed down enough to give us a little time to think.”
Johnny chuckled. “He had other immediate plans?”
Mace nodded. “His first instinct was to attack Stark’s ships. His second was to try to take that station so he could make contact with the Karthians who are making the deal with Stark… so he could talk them out of it.”
Johnny frowned. “What’s he have to offer?”
Mace shook his head. “That’s what I said. He has nothing they need or want. An alliance with Earth and the other Union species is a bigger prize. I hate to say it, but this really puts Jasper in a box. The others will stop all trade and cooperation with him. And Targarian territory sits right in the middle of all those species. I wouldn’t doubt Stark is already working on his overthrow.”
Liam asked, “What’s this mean for us?”
Mace shrugged. “Not really sure at the moment. Stark doesn’t appear to be interested in our comings and goings. That could always change. Frankly, I think we may still be alive because of his fascination with how we are able not only to survive but to get things done.”
“Can we go home?” asked Johnny.
“So far as I know. He didn’t give me any indication of having any animosity toward us. What I do know is that we might want to start making some contingency plans. If we stay on Earth, we’re likely to be asked to give up the Rogers, or at a minimum to disarm her. And if we leave, the question becomes, where do we go? Canto? That’s now under UF protection. Maybe to Divinia? Jasper would certainly welcome us. Whatever that decision is, it’s only coming after we sit and have some deep discussions about it.”
Humphrey said, “Mr. Hardy, the Targarian ships are starting to move.”
Humphrey Mallot pushed the sensor image to the main display. “His fleet is moving toward the rift.”
Mace waved at Johnny. “Open a comm.”
Seconds later Jasper’s image was on screen. “You’re welcome to join the Targarians in this fight against Stark.”
Mace shook his head. “What are you doing? This is suicide.”
Jasper scowled. “Hardly. It’s attacking the city before they can fortify the walls. If we allow this alliance with the Karthians, Stark will have what he wants: full control of Earth and the Union members. And that would include my Targarians and you.”
“You must at least have some initial plan.”
Jasper nodded. “We’re taking the initiative. I have twenty thousand assault Marines here with me. If we can take that station, we disrupt his alliance plans. And who knows, maybe we can get that weapon operational again and teach Stark a thing or two about messing with the wrong people.”
Mace looked at the floor, shaking his head. “You know… I guess we had a good run, as good as could be expected given the circumstances. Obviously I won’t be talking you out of this… so I might as well offer what help I can, short of getting us all killed.”
The comm closed. A hail was sent to Stark.
“Mr. Hardy, I hope our friend is not pushing his luck. I respect him for what he accomplished, but I won’t hesitate to put a stop to whatever he’s up to.”
Mace replied, “He was ranting about missing out on the action. Said something about wanting to take down some of those Karthian ships before you hogged all the glory.”
Stark hesitated. “Hmm, I had not anticipated this. I expected a vigorous fight from him.”
Mace took a deep breath. “Maybe he thinks this is the only way for him to maintain his kingdom. I expect you’ll be giving a lot of autonomy to each of the species with regards to their local governance?”
Stark’s silhouette nodded. “That is the initial plan, yes.”
Stark turned and gave an order to an assistant. “Mr. Hardy, please inform your friend that we will be withdrawing our ships. The remainder of the Karthian fleet will be all his to destroy. Perhaps the Targarian issue will resolve itself.”
“I’ll let him know.”
The comm closed and a new channel was opened to Jasper Collins.
Mace said, “I may have bought you some time. The Union ships should be disengaging from the fight. You might try to strike a deal with the Karthians. Try to convince them that you’re double-crossing Stark and that with your help they can not only keep control of the station, but mend whatever divide they have with the other Karthians.”
Jasper replied, “Already in the works. So far they are refusing my hails. That may change once I attack a Union ship. We know the domed ships reflect plasma and laser energy. And whatever that green energy wave is. I’d like to know what they do with a tight microwave beam.”
Jasper gave the command before Mace could reply. The microwave cannon fired upon a Union dome ship, a three-second burst that ripped into the dome and the forward decks behind it, taking the shield offline.
The Karthians quickly accepted his hail.
Within minutes, two thirds of the Union shield ships were under fire. The Karthians turned their fight to the departing Union ships as Jasper’s Collins class warships shredded the domed vessels. What had been a war of attrition was suddenly turned against the aggressors.
A hail came in from Stark. “Well played, Mr. Hardy. I didn’t anticipate having to defend against that weapon. You do realize this puts you in a very bad position with the kingdom, don’t you?”
“Believe me, I tried to talk him out of this. I don’t think you gave him any acceptable options. He understands that any sub-kingdoms will be going away as you consolidate control. The member species might fuss about this change or that, but you’ll slowly whittle away their power in the name of the new kingdom. Jasper was smart enough to see that coming. And like you,
he’s willing to risk his life to achieve his goals.”
“And what exactly are his goals?”
Mace half frowned. “To keep the Targarian people free. And that goes for Earth as well.”
Stark sighed. “Freedom is such a nebulous word. What I offer is freedom as well. It’s called living in a society with others. The only freedom he seeks is freedom to make the rules.”
Stark turned and gave several orders as the comm channel closed. His reserve fleet began moving toward the rift.
Johnny stood from his console. “What do we do?”
Mace slowly shook his head. “What can we do? I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d rather not take this ship into the fight unless I have to. Mr. Hobbs, how confident are you with those controls? Could you skillfully handle this ship in a fight?”
Liam replied, “I can’t say I would be comfortable. I’d do what I can, but am I confident that would be enough? On the Rogers, yes. On this vessel… I’m not sure.”
Mace glanced over at Hans Mueller. “Mr. Mueller? Weapons?”
Hans replied, “I’ll make do.”
Mace frowned. “Make do. That doesn’t sound like anything I’d want to take into a fight.”
Johnny asked, “Well?”
Mace shrugged. “I think we have to sit this one out.”
Jane stood with her hands on her hips. “So we sit and watch, huh? Can’t say I like that.”
Mace nodded. “I can’t say I like it either. I’m not interested in sending everyone here to their deaths. I tell you what: if that fight gets down to a couple hundred ships per side, we can reconsider. Until then, we watch.”
The Targarian ships held up well against Stark’s cruisers. In return, the microwave cannons sliced crevasse after crevasse into the hulls to the Union fleet, allowing the Karthian ships to finish the job. It was quickly apparent the Karthians had taken whatever deal Jasper had offered. Forty transports were soon latched onto the hull of the station, with troops storming aboard. Nearly three hours had passed before word came of Union troops on the station beginning to surrender. It was an outcome that Stark could not have planned for.
A comm came in for Mace. “Things not going according to plan?”
Stark replied, “I don’t think your friend realizes how dangerous this move is. There is still time for an agreement between us.”
Mace laughed. “An agreement? You mean like the one where you try to subvert his species and at the same time cut off all his trade with the other empires? Seems to me you need to make an adjustment.”
Stark nodded. “Perhaps. What would you have as a suggestion? What would convince Mr. Collins to stand down?”
Mace stood and began to pace. “Well, you renouncing your claim to an Earth throne, but I don’t think you’re willing to entertain that idea. Next would be a treaty signed with King Collins and his Targarians that says neither you or any of the other Union members will meddle in Targarian affairs. And that would include having any trade biases. His species would be full members in any of your agreements, giving them royalty shares, except in his mind you have no right to make laws governing everyone. Again, I don’t think you would be willing to share in those responsibilities, therefore making my suggestions non-starters.”
Stark took a deep breath. “What if I were to buy him out? A full 4 percent royalty to Jasper Collins himself? As well as admitting the Targarians and others into my kingdom. I would make him personally immune to all kingdom laws.”
Mace laughed. “He wouldn’t want any part of that deal. He’s turning ninety this year. He doesn’t think he’ll be around all that long. So his legacy would be what he did for the Targarians that had lasting effect. And I’m not talking monetarily, I’m talking freedom. That’s the one thing money can’t fully buy. You may be free temporarily, but eventually someone will see to it that you aren’t.”
Humphrey said, “The Targarians now control two thirds of that station. His fleet is taking a beating, but dishing one out also. Out of his fleet, four hundred twenty were fighting ships. That number is about to fall under three hundred.”
Mace asked, “And Stark’s people?”
Stark replied, “I’ve lost nine hundred ships. Please, Mr. Hardy, I beg you for all humanity’s sake, talk the man down from this fight. We are close to the tipping point where we will not be able to defend against the other Karthians should they join this fight.”
Mace shook his head. “Nothing I can say to Mr. Collins is going to change his mind. You’ll have to come up with something on your own.”
As Mace and the crew of the Ravix watched, Stark ordered fifty transports carrying twenty five thousand Dellus marines into the fight for the station. Protected by a column of Union cruisers, the Union marines docked and boarded the station, opening a five-deck counteroffensive to the advances of the Targarians. The initial advance recaptured the five decks, but then lost a fierce battle while attempting to move up onto a new section. The fighting raged for hours before the Targarians once again gained the upper hand. Jasper Collins had come aboard personally to lead his troops.
The fighting in the heavens continued to go the Karthians’ way. After nine hours of maneuvers, offensives, and defensive stands, the twenty-five-hundred ship Stark-Union force had been cut in half. The Karthian-Collins warships numbered nine hundred, but a two to one kill ratio was quickly developing. Malcom Stark again pleaded his case and was again denied an intervention.
After repeated attempts, Jasper responded to a hail. “What is it? I’m kind of in the middle of a war here.”
Mace said, “Stark is asking that I get you to talk to him.”
“He’s got nothing to say that I want to hear. Give me another five hours and this station will be fully under my control. Another dozen and those Union ships will all be toast.”
Mace asked, “What will the cost be to your fleet?”
As Jasper charged down a hallway he stopped, knelt and fired. “My team estimates two thirds will no longer be battle-worthy. I’ve started ordering those ships that are critical to jump or to be jumped back to the repair docks. I’ve also ordered my eight Collins ships still in flight testing to be moved forward. I don’t anticipate any problems with that maneuver. Before this day is done, Malcom Stark will be in retreat.”
“You just charge ahead and don’t give up, do you?”
Jasper fired off two rounds from his plasma rifle. “I gave up on things my whole life because I was satisfied with the status quo. Now that I’m ancient, I can’t see giving up on anything. I don’t have time to revisit it later. Stark tried to make his grand comeback and it’s gonna fail. I’ll see to that.”
The fighting continued. The Union troops on the station were down to fifteen hundred remaining out of more than thirty thousand committed. The Targarian ratios weren’t much better. Jasper commanded four thousand, the Karthian numbers were in the low hundreds.
The Union ships had fallen to less than five hundred, while the Targarians had dropped to ninety and the Karthians to three hundred. The Collins class vessels were dominating the fight, with fifty-two out of the original sixty still giving it their all.
Johnny said, “Remember your comment about possibly joining the fight when the sides had evened out? You still considering that?”
Humphrey cut in. “Mr. Hardy, I’ve been tracking Mr. Stark’s flagship during the fight. It just docked with that station. He’s going aboard and I believe his ship has a large contingent of Humans. Mr. Collins may be in for a bad turn.”
Johnny asked, “Do we commit?”
Mace took a deep breath. “Those are fellow Humans. I don’t want to be fighting our own, even if they are working for Stark. Open a comm to Jasper.”
Mace said, “Stark has just boarded the station. He’s gonna have a decent sized crew of Humans with him.”
Jasper scowled. “Let them come. My boys can take it.”
Johnny stepped into camera view. “Listen, these are hardened Human fighters. Real Mari
nes. You might have several hundred Mace Hardys coming your way. Might be time to reconsider your options.”
A comm came in from Stark. “Put me on a three-way. I need to talk with him.”
Mace nodded to Johnny. “Make it happen.”
A split screen showed on the main display. King Jasper Collins stood at a hallway corner with his troops surrounding him. King Malcom Stark followed his fighters as they blazed a path deep into the Targarian positions.
“Mr. Collins, we should end this insanity. You are putting us all in jeopardy.”
Jasper replied, “How you figure? You’re the one who started all this with your attempted power grab.”
Stark’s voice came over a comm with no video. “We don’t have time to waste here, Mr. Collins. I will back away from this station and the fighting outside if you finish off the Karthians. Believe me when I tell you the other Karthians will join in if they get word of our weakness. We don’t have the ships to defeat their fleet. You’re risking all of our lives with this move. Stop now and take full possession of this station. If the Karthians are allowed to retain it, it will be used against us.”
Jasper Collins scowled directly into his arm pad camera. “Look, Stark, I don’t trust you or any word that comes out of your mouth. I have assurances from the Karthian commander here that he will provide whatever assistance I need to crush you. I even asked him about this station and he said I could keep it. I plan on using it to keep this rift blocked off.”
Stark replied, “If the Karthians pledged that station to you the weapon aboard her must no longer be viable. They would not give her up otherwise.”
Jasper grinned. “If it’s broke, my scientists can fix it.”
Mace said, “Mr. Stark, if you feel so strongly about the Karthians, why don’t you pull back and preserve your forces?”