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HADRON Chaos Page 14
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Page 14
Liam said, “Jumping away.”
Seconds later, the Rogers was in dead space, a quarter light-year from the fight. “Mr. Montak, we have three transducers out. Can you get your team out on the forward hull to replace them?”
Bontu replied, “Gladly. I’ll report status as we progress.”
Jeff said, “We’re looking at twenty minutes. That other station will be arriving about the time we get back.”
The Mawga crewmen got to work on the repairs. As usual, the work was completed a few minutes ahead of estimates. A jump was made back to the fight.
The Rogers circled and fired in the seemingly never ending mass of Karthian ships.
Humphrey gave status. “The second station is three minutes out. I show nine hundred twenty-two Karthian ships in its wake.” A rumble was heard and felt as a plasma blast impacted the gravity drives.
Jenny called forward: “The starboard drive is showing fluctuations in its efficiency levels. I’m trying to track down the issue but I’m not sure what I’m looking for.”
Mace turned to Jeff. “You think you and Mr. Klept could give her a hand? If we lose a drive, we’re sure to start taking a beating from those cruisers.”
Jeff nodded. “We’ll take care of it.”
A violent strike on the hull sent Jeff hard to the deck.
He slowly stood, rubbing his left elbow. “Felt that one through the suit. I’m OK.”
Jeff hurried away. In the minutes that passed, the second Karthian station arrived. A bright green quantum wave of energy emerged, striking the first station dead center, breaching its dampening field. Debris flew from the hull and outer rooms. The Human-conquered station returned a blast of its own. The Karthian station turned and moved away from the impact and the glancing blow caused only moderate damage. A counter-shot by the Karthians dug into the prior breaches, collapsing the outer bulkheads.
Johnny said, “Is there nothing we can do to stop that weapon?”
Mace gestured toward the display. “Stark has his radica ships coming up.”
Johnny shook his head. “Should have had them there before.”
Mace frowned. “I’m sure he wanted to. They’re needed in this fight with the ships too.”
A third strike from the Karthian station blew into the center decks of the captured vessel before the radica ships could move into place. Fires raged and explosions exposed new areas as reactor containment and hydrogen stores failed.
Johnny said, “They’re really taking a beating.”
The Rogers’ hull rumbled. “We’re taking a beating.”
Jeff came over the comm. “We have a problem. One of the feeds to the starboard drive has cracked. It’s holding for the moment. If it ruptures, we could lose that whole drive.”
Mace pressed the trigger on the small green energy weapon. “Can it be fixed?”
Jeff shook his head. “Not without a repair dock. There’s a larger assembly it fits in that has to be removed.”
“If we had another complete assembly, how long would it take to swap out?”
Jeff thought. “With a dock, a half hour. Without? I couldn’t say.”
“Is there anything we can do to partially secure it?”
Jeff looked at the damage. “We could try an over-weld, but that may cause more damage than do good.”
Mace nodded. “I’ll leave that to you to decide what’s best.”
Again the Rogers was rocked with a powerful blast. Jeff flew almost out of camera range, across the room, coming down hard on the back of his helmet.
A hand went up in the air. “I’m OK.”
As he stood and looked at the crack in the feed, he said, “Crack just got longer.”
Mace winced as the weapon he commanded threw out another wave. “Do what you can.”
Four hundred Karthian cruisers engaged the radica ships protecting the station as the remaining force joined the fight.
Jasper came over the comm. “We probably have a half hour before I pull my people out of here.”
Stark replied, “You do that and the Sarkesian people will be left with no defense.”
Jasper shrugged. “I gotta do what’s right for my people. I can’t go home defenseless.”
Nuclear explosions went off, taking most of the four hundred approaching Karthian cruisers and nearly half of the radica ships with them.
Stark said, “That was all the nukes we had. It was also the last of our tricks for this battle. I’m open to strategy suggestions.”
Jasper replied, “Unless something changes, we’ll be pulling out in about fifteen minutes. Bad news for the Sarkesians, I know, but I have to start thinking about my own people.”
Mace said, “We’ll be moving out with Mr. Collins.”
Stark was silent for several seconds. “Understood.”
Mace shook his head as he attempted another shot from the green weapon. “That’s twenty thousand Marines on that station. When we leave, they’ll be overrun. I count at least a hundred troop transports waiting at the back of the Karthian reserves. That’s at least five hundred troops on each one. They board that station and they will take it back.”
Johnny replied, “Not much we can do.”
Another set of Karthian cruisers closed on the radica ships protecting the captured station. With no protection from Stark’s fleet, the radicas were quickly overrun. As the last radica turned to flee, the captured station released a green wave, striking the attacking Karthian station dead center. Debris scattered as the outer hull was breached.
A return shot dug deeper into the captured station, penetrating two additional bulkheads and spreading from two decks of damage to four.
As the Rogers continued to get rocked with shots, Jeff said, “Mr. Hardy, failure of that drive is imminent. Could happen at any moment.”
Mace returned a frustrated look. “Have you attempted the weld?”
Jeff shook his head. “We thought it too risky.”
“Well, now that failure is imminent, that risk is irrelevant, don’t you think?”
Jeff nodded. “It is, but we’re talking replacement of this assembly versus replacement of the entire drive.”
Mace sighed. “Just do it. We need any extra time it might afford us.”
“Consider it done. Mr. Heeb, start the torch.”
The comm closed.
Two hard strikes reverberated through the Rogers’ hull as the new Karthian ships joined the fight.
Johnny looked over at Hans Mueller. “Mr. Mueller, let me take that for a while.”
Hans continued his relentless firing of the plasma and microwave weapons. Johnny unfastened his belt, moving to the weapons station and placing his hand on Hans’ shoulder.
“Swap out. You’re spent.”
Hans said, “I can do this.”
Johnny leaned in. “Fresh hands and eyes, sir. You need a rest. You’ve been at it nonstop for five hours.”
Mace said, “Mr. Mueller, take a break. That’s an order.”
Hans looked up. “Can you unfasten my belt?”
Johnny reached down, popping a clip. Hans rolled out of the chair onto the deck. Fatso Geerok hurried over to assist Hans as Johnny took the station, snapping and pulling the belt tight.
Geerok said, “Come on. I’ll get you to the bunks.”
Hans replied, “Just give me a moment, please.”
Geerok shook his head as he reached down, pulling the big German up by the belt. “You stay here, one of those blasts is gonna knock you around.”
The pudgy Mawga admiral strained, but carried the worn out Human from the bridge.
Johnny glanced over his shoulder as he began pushing the trigger button. “Wow, didn’t know Geerok had that kind of strength.”
“That’s two of us,” said Mace.
The new Karthian station continued to trade blows with the now immobile captured station. A deep strike released containment of a hydrogen store, igniting the contents and sending a rolling cloud of debris from the affected de
cks, setting nearly an eighth of the once great station ablaze. Fires raged and then snuffed out as the oxygen in each new hull breach was released.
Jasper said, “Five minute warning, Mr. Hardy. Be prepared. They’re gonna be chasing us. Can’t jump if they’re too close.”
Mace nodded. “We’ll be ready.”
A comm was opened. “Mr. Moskowitz, tell me good news?”
“Almost done. The fluctuations are subsiding. Good call on the weld.”
“Sometimes we get lucky.”
Three heavy jolts rocked the Rogers. The image on the wall display of the gravity drive room turned to a bright flash as the attempted weld failed. A small explosion sent shrapnel flying from the feed. When the image cleared, a wincing Jeff Moskowitz was lying against a back wall.
“Jeff! You OK?”
Jeff slowly nodded as he looked around the room.
Jenny was standing over Gnaga. “He’s injured. Unconscious. We need some help.”
She turned her attention to Maala Heeb. “I’m afraid Mr. Heeb didn’t make it. Took a big chuck of that shrapnel to his face shield.”
Hooba rushed into the room. After a moment of staring at his dead friend, Jelog Hooba knelt to assist Jenny Taub with the unconscious Gnaga Klept.
Two additional strikes rocked the ship, sending Jenny and the Mawga scientist to the floor.
Jasper said, “We’re pulling out.”
“We’re with you!” said Mace.
As the Rogers turned from the battle, two Karthian cruisers followed in close pursuit.
Mace scowled. “Johnny, Mr. Mallot, we need those two ships off us or we’re dead here!”
Johnny said, “I’m hitting them with what I can. They keep coming!”
Another heavy jolt had Jenny picking herself from the floor and opening a comm. “We have Gnaga strapped in. He needs attention.”
Mace replied, “We have two ships we can’t shake. Don’t have the speed.”
Humphrey yelled, “One is dropping away. Two more are approaching!”
The Organ Cave swooped in with twin shots to the Karthian ship’s drives.
“We have distance!” Liam yelled. “Wormhole opening!”
The Rogers slipped through to Divinia.
Chapter 15
The Rogers pulled alongside a lengthy line of ships at the repair dock. A shuttle was dispatched to collect Gnaga Klept. Jeff Moskowitz and Jelog Hooba left with their friend, heading to the Targarian medical facilities.
Jasper came over the comm: “We lost nearly half our ships out there. A lot of good people died today.”
Mace replied, “We lost Mr. Heeb. What are the chances of getting into one of those docks for a full gravity drive replacement?”
Jasper took a deep breath. “Slim to none in the immediate future. We have to prioritize getting as many ships fully operational as we can. You can still fight. That puts you near the back of the list.”
“Before your jump, did you see if Stark was leaving too?”
Jasper shook his head. “We were only seconds behind you. Last I saw he was still fully engaged.”
Five minutes later, a comm came in from Stark, a dark silhouette in his usual chair with an index finger propping up each temple.
“The Sarkesian worlds are lost.”
“We did what we could,” said Mace. “The station?”
Stark let out a long sigh. “The weapon was offline. The Karthian troops were flooding aboard. I gave the order I hoped I’d never give.”
Stark’s silhouette nodded. “Nukes. They were to fight to the last man, allowing as many Karthians onto that station as they could before setting off four of those weapons. We lost comm to them two minutes ago.”
Mace took a deep breath. “The hazards of war and yet another reason you do all you can to avoid it.”
Stark looked. “Exactly what I was trying to do before Mr. Collins forced our hand.”
Mace shook his head. “You can’t pin this on him. For all you know the Karthians were planning to double-cross you anyhow.”
“I suppose now we’ll never know.”
Mace asked, “What’s your next move?”
Stark was silent for several seconds. “We wait and watch as they devour the Sarkesian worlds. They take with them one of our gatrellium mines. A small one, but much needed. Speaking of such, I know you possess technology that allows a jump through a much smaller wormhole. I don’t suppose you’d care to share that with us?”
Mace frowned. “Here’s the rub, we give that to you, and we’re giving it to all the Union members. We give it to all the Union members, we give it to anyone who conquers them. We might as well put that on a banner and fly it around to every world we know, broadcasting it to the masses.”
Stark was again silent in thought. “I suppose I agree with you in that respect.”
Mace asked, “Do we have an ongoing defense?”
Stark replied, “We believe the Karthians will consolidate at Harkoza as they sweep through the Sarkesian worlds. The Quelli are the next logical Union member to attack, with a world only six months journey from Harkoza. After that, we have the Targarian worlds of your illustrious King Collins.”
“The Quelli have any defenses?”
Stark shook his head. “Only their ships. Two hundred of the remaining ships in our fleet.”
Mace said, “If we really have six months, how many more can you produce?”
“We had production of sixteen per week. We are losing a quarter of that production with the Sarkesians. The math says roughly three hundred.”
Mace tapped his fingers on his armrest. “We’re turning out about ten a week. That’s another two hundred fifty or so by that time. Given our losses, we’ll be in the neighborhood of four to five hundred ships by then. If you can convince the Quelli to fall back and fight with us here, we might have a decent shot at holding them off. Jasper could call in the several thousand microwave stations he has at his other worlds. As far as that goes, we could pull our orbiting ones from Earth.”
Stark replied, “I don’t see that happening, Mr. Hardy. Earth would not give up her only defense, and I would not ask her to do so. I hope you realize the Karthians will also be reinforcing what they brought through. With that rift wide open, we may see another of those stations, perhaps even two.”
“Would you be willing to defend with us here at the Targarian worlds?”
Stark thought for a moment. “You would have the Human backing, but I cannot promise the ships of the other Union members. They are a stubborn lot, and only seem interested in participating when they think it suits their immediate needs. I pressed to stay longer at Harkoza, hoping to inflict as much damage as I could. The other members, excluding the Sarkesians of course, were insistent we leave immediately after your departure.”
Mace crossed his arms. “So we essentially have six months to prepare.”
Stark nodded. “It would appear so.”
Mace leaned forward. “You ever gonna let me see your face?”
Stark was silent for several seconds. “Perhaps that day will come. Unfortunately that day is not today. There are still those who wish me gone from a position of power. I don’t wish to give them the slightest opportunity to do so, as it would invariably be at the expense of myself or my loved ones. I’m certain you understand.”
Mace half smiled. “Sadly, I do. Are you back at Earth?”
“For the foreseeable future.”
“We’ll be here if you have any news. We’ll pass on anything we learn to you there. Until then, I’m sure we both have busy schedules.”
Stark bowed as the comm closed.
Mace turned. “Johnny, I’m heading to the med facility to check on Gnaga.”
Johnny nodded. “I’ll be heading down to the surface with Jane. Once she has me and the kids settled, she’ll be back to visit with him.”
The shuttle ride to the med facility at the repair dock was short. Mace was so
on turning the corner into the room that supposedly held Gnaga Klept.
A Targarian doctor, pulling the sheet up over the patient’s head said, “I’m sorry. They expired.”
Mace rubbed his temples as he turned to walk back into the hall. In a room immediately across from him, the back of Bontu Montak’s head could be seen.
Mace walked into the room to see a groggy Gnaga Klept looking up. “Mr. Hardy…”
Mace shook his head. “Glad to see you’re still breathing. I had the wrong room number and apparently the fellow across the hall was… well, he passed. How are you?”
Jeff was sitting in a chair, shifting his shoulder. “Concussion. He shouldn’t talk. He needs to rest.”
Mace turned to Jelog. “Mr. Hooba, I’m sorry for your loss.”
Jelog replied, “It was his time. I know it is Human custom to mourn the loss of a colleague. Mawga do not. In our culture, we say they have merely departed this existence to go to another. We do not believe it to be better or worse, just different. Perhaps one day our paths will again cross.”
Mace nodded. “Still, sorry. Jeff, how’s the shoulder?”
“Getting stiff. Got knocked around a bit more than I’m used to. That battlesuit works great for small impacts, not so much for full body slams. Where do we go from here? Do we wait on an attack?”
Mace said, “Well, I just had a talk with Stark. He says the Karthians will be busy eradicating the Sarkesians for a few weeks. When they’re done, he thinks the Quelli are next. That’s six months. Targarian space is another six or seven after that. Technically, we might have as much as a full year to prepare. We just have to keep in mind they will be adding to their ranks during that time as well.”
Mace pulled up a chair. “Has anyone looked at that shoulder?”
Jeff shook his head. “No. And I’m not going to ask. There’s far too many critically injured about for me to pull someone off for a bruised shoulder. You just mentioned the Quelli. Are we not going to help defend their worlds?”
Mace offered a partial frown. “They have no other defenses. Just their ships. If we’re to make a stand it will have to be here where we have the addition of the microwave stations. I wish it wasn’t so, but it is. Unfortunately, the Quelli will be on their own, as no other Union members want to step up for that fight. Stark promised support from Earth if they come here after, but I doubt any of the other species will supply their ships in support of the Targarians. At least not after their run-ins with Jasper.”