HADRON Axiom Read online

Page 11

  The holo-image above Mace’s arm pad turned to a view of the White House briefing room podium.

  “My fellow Americans. I come to you humbly asking for your support as we attempt to rebuild this nation. A nation I believe to be the greatest the world has ever known. It’s in trying times such as these that I ask for your help. I ask for the help of all Americans to support our efforts as we slowly climb out of this horrific event that has plagued our world.

  “I would ask that every community return to following the laws and rules of this great nation as we work to overcome these trying times. Let the support each of us gives to one another be that which drives us forward. We have all seen extreme suffering and death. We have lost many of our family, our friends and our colleagues. Let this be the moment we pull together, and rise above these magnetic storms that have ended our former existence.

  “This is not the end of Man. It is the beginning of a new era. An era where the great ideals of this nation can be spread to the world as our ability to survive stabilizes. Let this great nation rise up and be the shining beacon for the world to follow, a world where we are all individuals, with rights and freedoms to unite us all. Let this be the beginning of a new day for Man.

  The president gestured toward a Mawga seated in an ornate high-backed chair beside him. “Today, I introduce to you His Highness, Emperor Sasrah Degiis, the ruler of the Mawga people, and the benevolent soul who has offered us so much assistance. The one being on this planet who has brought an end to starvation and a beginning to a new stability. Because of the kind spirit and caring nature of this… benevolent being, we have food, we have power, we have returning communications. And here today, I would like to announce the first national community center here in Washington, D.C.

  “With the Mawga generosity, and with the approval of your government, the first of thousands of such centers is opening to the public. The Capitol CC will be the hub of the people of this district. Housing, healthcare and medical, nutrition, and yes, even entertainment will be mainstays of each and every CC. Already, the doors are opening for this great center that will initially house twenty-five thousand citizens, expanding up and out to more than one hundred thousand within the next year.

  “Friends, we have been blessed by the presence of the Mawga. A people who have traveled the stars, a people who have already helped us tremendously, and a people who only ask our friendship in return.”

  The president grinned as he raised his hand in the air. “Folks, let us not forsake this unique opportunity to show the world what wondrous help the Mawga have offered. As I said, let us be that shining beacon that brings the rest of the world to a better place. A place where our worries of survival are replaced by children with full bellies, and family gatherings where happiness and laughter are the norm. Folks, I beg you to open your eyes and your hearts to this new beginning. Support for our government, a government of the people and by the people, is imperative.”

  The president lowered his hand and looked directly at the camera. “We have all lost loved ones during this crisis. It is a crisis caused by the supernova explosion of a star more than ten thousand light-years away. These massive magnetic storms swirl around us unseen, coming from this supernova explosion. We have been told they will continue for at least another seventy years. That means seventy years where our own generators won’t produce enough power, where our reliance on electronics has failed us. It means seventy years of struggle just to survive.”

  President David Cannon leaned forward on the podium. “My friends, I am here to tell you we no longer have to struggle. I’m here to tell you we can rebuild starting right now. So I ask for those of you who have been resisting, for those of you who have held out against the assistance of our friends, the Mawga, please join us now as we start anew, as we push to spread the ideals that made this nation great, out to the rest of the world. Join us now as these United States rise from the chaos of our situation!”

  David Cannon continued with his campaign-like rhetoric for another twenty minutes before signing off. When the holo-image melted away, the group dropped into discussion.

  Johnny shook his head. “Sounds like a campaign to elect the Mawga Emperor as our emperor.”

  Mace replied, “That speech will have a lot of appeal to the masses. I’m now more curious about these community centers. If they’re rolling in housing and entertainment, I would think those will draw in a lot of people. After what we’ve just gone through, having your existence provided for sounds like something most would want.”

  Jane said, “I wonder how the military views this? Cannon is their commander. They’re supposed to follow his orders.”

  Jane looked over at Jasper. “I also wonder if Mr. Collins here wouldn’t benefit from whatever healthcare they could offer.”

  Jasper scowled. “Now wait a minute! You can forget about passing me off to those overgrown rats for care. I’d just as soon stay here on this porch and rot. I want no part of those hippy-communist communities.”

  Johnny laughed. “And all this time I thought we didn’t have anything in common!”

  Jane shook her head. “The two of you are common. I might as well be calling you Luke, and he might as well be wearing a black helmet.”

  Jasper laughed. “Johnny… I am your father, Johnny. Hahaha!”

  A text came over the laser comm.

  “Avoid assistance with the CCs.”

  Jane said, “Well, that at least tells us where they stand.”

  Mace looked over at the field where the shuttle would be landing. “Jane, I think you and Johnny should pay a visit to the community center they’re supposedly building in Ronceverte. Try to get the lowdown on everything they’re planning. I want to be able to pass on when we expect completion, how many it will initially hold, and how big they plan to grow it. And see if you can get us status on Tres and Vanessa. I’d like to know they’re OK.”

  “We can do that. Bigfoot, let’s go get ready for a run to town. Jasper, will you be OK here by yourself for a bit?”

  “I’ll be fine just so long as you aren’t making this trip with some plans of dumping me in town eventually.”

  Jane patted him on the back as she stood from her chair. “I can assure you we won’t be doing anything beyond your will. You were gracious enough to allow us to stay in that cave for the winter, and I for one am grateful for that.”

  “While you’re in town, can you see if you can scrounge a can of soda-pop from somewhere? Don’t know why, but my mouth has been watering for a carbonated sugary drink of late. See if there’s any left.”

  Jane smiled. “I’ll see what we can do.”

  The Tretchers left for town in Mace’s modified Jeep. The shuttle landed in the field a few minutes later. Bontu Montak was standing on the ramp in wait.

  Mace approached with a smile. “Thought I’d be seeing you right after the president’s speech.”

  The alien nodded. “We have much work to do today, Mr. Hardy. The people of West Virginia need their comms. We have fourteen visits to take care of.”

  Mace stopped at the bottom of the ramp. “Before we get started, I have a couple requests.”

  “By all means, Mr. Hardy. Please ask.”

  Mace looked back toward the porch. “First up, my friend over there, Jasper Collins, he’s in a lot of pain from arthritis. Has him almost crippled enough that he can’t walk. Really starting to hit his hands as well.”

  “Has he been eating the nutrient bars?”

  Mace shook his head, keeping his eyes on Jasper. “No, he’s old and set in his ways. He prefers Human food.”

  “The nutrient bars are Human food, Mr. Hardy. The ingredients now come from this planet.”

  “I realize that, but just the same, he doesn’t want to eat them.”

  “He is stubborn like some of our elders, I see. I believe I may have another solution for him. It is a mechanical exosuit. It provides a stimulus of micro-currents for the joints that will alleviate some of the inflammati
on the arthritis causes. It’s powered by a tiny fusion reactor, and it should allow him to walk or to move around without issue. I believe we have several on the ship for use with moving heavy object or with injuries to our crew. I believe I could spare a suit for Mr. Collins.”

  “That would be greatly appreciated, Mr. Montak.”

  “You said you had two requests, Mr. Hardy. What would be the second?”

  Mace pointed back to the porch. “I would like to bring my friend Mr. Moskowitz along with us. He’s interested in these community centers that are being built, and would like to know about the medical facilities they will contain.”

  Bontu looked over at a waiting Jeff. “I see no reason to deny this request. I believe your friend will be impressed, and it might be valuable to have another Human with us who understands these things. What credentials does Mr. Moskowitz bring with him?”

  Mace waved him over. “He’s a doctor and a scientist. A very smart man. If there’s anyone who would understand what it is your centers would provide, it would be him.”

  Bontu held out his small hand as Jeff came up the ramp. “Welcome to the liaison team, Mr. Moskowitz. I look forward to seeing what you have to offer.”

  Jeff replied, “If you show me what you’re doing, I’m certain I can explain its benefits to anyone who will listen.”

  Bontu smiled as he turned. “Excellent!”

  Chapter 12


  The shuttle lifted and docked with the ship. Twenty minutes later they were parked over the community center in Washington, D.C. Another quick ride in the shuttle had them on a landing pad beside the monstrous new building.

  As they walked down the ramp, two Humans came out to greet them, and bowed.

  “Chancellor, we welcome you to CC-1. The first of many to come from the world over. I am Bob and this is Lisa. We will be your guides today.”

  Lisa chimed in: “Yes, and we have so much to show you. So many wonderful things are happening. The Mawga have been so kind and helpful.”

  Mace asked, “What happened to distributing the comms?”

  Bontu replied, “I thought a tour of the center would be appropriate before going out to the sites. This will allow us to tackle two issues at once, as many of the sites we will be visiting will receive a community center of their own.”

  “I see. Smart planning on your part.”

  “Thank you for the kind words, Mr. Hardy. Bob, Lisa, shall we proceed?”

  The two guides were eager to get the tour underway.

  Bob, all of five-foot-seven inches and two hundred forty pounds, was grinning from ear to ear as he turned the corner into the first room. “All tours begin here in the dining hall.”

  Lisa, at six-foot-one, with the physique of a volleyball player, motioned: “And your first question would probably be ‘Why have a dining hall when the food is all nutrient bars?’ Am I right? You see, as it has always been before, the dining hall will also be a place to socialize. Traditional tables have been replaced by pod seating and sectional sofas. Everyone is encouraged to join with their family, friends, or just anyone. Here we are all one big happy family!”

  Bob pointed toward a wall that lined the west end of the great room. “Nutrient bars and beverages can be had over there. And before you ask… no payment required. And each pod has sound dampening built into its perimeter, making your conversations easy to hear by your party. Step into any aisle-way and you will notice how the volume increases dramatically.”

  Lisa scurried over to an area that sat above the surrounding sections. “This one is my favorite. I love to sit here with my friends while watching everyone come and go. This place is full of so much joy!”

  Bob nodded and chuckled. “I have to admit, I frequent that section as well.”

  As they continued to walk, Bob herded them into a sunken section. Four large holo-displays came into view, going from the floor up to the ceiling. Bob pressed several buttons on his comm device. The walls of the section were suddenly transformed to show desert images.

  Bob frowned as he switched views. “That’s not my favorite. I prefer the moonscapes of Rianta. It’s one of the Mawga worlds they have so kindly shared with us. I could just sit and watch all day. Oh! See! Over there! They call that little guy a donati. It hops around eating the little orange flowers. Oh, I do love Rianta!”

  Jeff reached out, poking his hand through the holo-image. The donati turned and dashed away.

  Jeff looked at Bob. “Is this somehow interactive?”

  Bob returned a comical look. “Nooo, it’s just a projected image. I’ll show you interactive when we reach the gaming concourse.”

  Jeff glanced over at Mace. “The visualization of this is so real. By just standing back from it a few feet, it looks as though you’re actually there.”

  Bontu said, “The technology going into the community centers is some of our latest.”

  Lisa frowned. “Mr. Chancellor, please, you’re taking some of my lines.”

  Bontu nodded. “I apologize, Lisa. Please proceed.”

  The lanky woman twirled and spread her arms wide in a move that could only be described as balanced yet awkward.

  “The technology, as the Chancellor explained, is some of the Mawga’s latest. These projectors were only introduced on their capital planet a few years ago. We’re getting them before much of the rest of the empire. This complex is full of many such technologies and the Mawga are providing them all for free!”

  Bob added, “Yes. They have been and are being quite generous. And you might ask ‘Why?’”

  Bob smiled as he paused for effect. “I will tell you why: they recognize the potential in the people of this planet. They know that with a little help, we will once again be able to thrive, and as such, will be a very profitable trading partner. And because all of this was offered out of kindness, they hope it gives them a leg-up when it comes time for inking deals or perhaps even one day joining the empire!”

  Lisa waved for the group to follow. “While there hasn’t been any actual offer of joining the empire, there’s no reason to not dream. Am I right?”

  The tour moved out into a hall that was quickly filling with smiling people. Green lights flashed down the hallway walls toward the dining hall. The happy new residents passed the small tour group. Conversations abounded.

  Bob looked over his shoulder as they walked. “Wow, we just made it out of there. That will give us a chance to get a good look at the housing area, which is just around this corner to the right.”

  The housing area was a wide main hall bordered on each side by an offshoot corridor, each of a different color. Row after row of doors led into the individual or family style apartments. The guides turned down a sea-foam green hallway and proceeded to open the first door on the left, apartment 1201.

  Bob turned back to them. “This model houses a family of four.”

  Jeff said, “I noticed you didn’t use a key.”

  Lisa grinned. “Yes! The comm device on your wrist grants you access to all the facilities you are registered for. In this case, as guides, we have access to this apartment.”

  Bob continued: “There are four bedrooms, each with its own bath, and a large family room. In addition, each apartment comes with a bonus room that the family can make use of as they see fit. Most are opting for a holo-room where they can interact with the entertainment.”

  Bob walked into the bonus room, which powered up from the ID on his comm device. The same moonscapes theme showed on the holo-walls.

  Bob smiled. “The system not only recognizes who you are, but where you were when last in the room.”

  Lisa entered. Two of the walls changed to a field with horses.

  “It can be shared by up to four people.”

  Jeff looked at the wall that contained the doorway. “Does that mean someone is left with the short wall?”

  Bob’s and Lisa’s smiled turned awkward as each was unsure of how to answer. The tour quickly moved to one of the bedrooms. />
  Lisa took the floor. “As you can see. It’s nicely decorated. And at the moment, you can choose from a palette of more than sixty-four colors that contain eight items each: two nightstands, two lamps, a headboard, a bedspread, a duvet, and pillow covers. In addition, each room has a closet with your daily tunics. They come in sixteen colors. As you can see, I prefer the teal.”

  Bob opened a door into a bathroom. “We have a shower, a separate, generous tub, a commode in its own private closet, and of course double sinks.”

  Lisa spread her arms out over the sink area. “And look at all the counter space. Isn’t it divine?”

  Mace replied, “Very nice. Thanks.”

  Jeff said, “I noticed there was no kitchen or dining room. And customary in every home I’ve been in is the television. Most American homes had one in the family room, or at least in the parents��� room. Often one in every bedroom.”

  Bob nodded. “The kitchen and dining rooms are of course no longer needed. You could bring a supply of nutrient bars here to eat if you wanted, but where���s the fun in that? Same with the dining room.”

  Lisa grinned. “And I have the answer to your TV question.”

  A wall in the family room turned into a holo-image. “We’re in the process of having every movie and every TV show converted and added to our database here. You can watch what you want, when you want, as much as you want!”

  The wall came to life with a black and white image of a 1950s actress as she marched around banging a pan.

  “Oh, I love this episode!”

  The guided tour moved back out into the main hallway.

  Bob gestured as they walked. “Next up is my favorite: the entertainment complex. It covers almost two hundred acres! In here, every holo-display is interactive! You can race cars, ride horses, even grow flowers and vegetables if you wish. Of course, they would grow at an accelerated rate, making the process much more enjoyable!”

  Jeff asked, “I only see rows and rows of chairs. Where’s the interaction?”